Cooking classes in christchurch

nj01, Feb 21, 1:10am
can anyone recommend cooking classes in Christchurch, italian or similar

jessie981, Feb 21, 1:22am
Not sure what's still operating. Try Shirley Boys, Mairehau High, Aranui High. Will try & find website for you.

245sam, Feb 21, 1:37am
nj01, most high schools have offer a range of night school classes so if that is the type of class you're wanting try looking for the website of your nearest high school but other options that you might like to consider are:-!osCsid=8d7cf97840e27c125be7490d769f2a13 or in Oxford:-

Hope those suggestions help.:-))

cindy, Jun 19, 12:56am
Hi there, Does anyone know if there are any cooking classes running in Christchurch? We'd refer in the city if possible... :-)
