I bought one of these at Christmas and never got around to using it but am going to today but I can't remember what I was going to do with it at Christmas so will just do a fruit flan - quick and easy.I just fill the case with the fruit and pour jelly made with half the water over the top don't I!It's been so long since I did it I can't remember that either!
Feb 18, 9:16pm
you could fill half the bottom with creme anglais (custard) then turn it into a fruit flan, artfully arrange fruit around the top of the custard and brush the top with a glaze made of seived apricot jam
Feb 18, 10:24pm
Thanks but don't want to use custard and boys don't like apricots
Feb 18, 10:54pm
Won't it be stale by now!
Feb 18, 11:27pm
No it's fine - best before date isn't until the end of March
Feb 19, 1:04am
Crikey.What is it made from!Polystyrene!
Feb 19, 1:23am
Yes of course - it's a lovely snowy white and makes that awesome squeak when you eat it!
Do you even know what I'm talking about!
Feb 19, 1:42am
Maybe not.What exactly is it!
Feb 19, 2:25am
This is it - it's a flan case made with sponge, "harder" than sponge cake but softer than sponge fingers:
Okay, that's exactly whatI envisaged.I still don't understand how it can be edible at the end of March if you bought it at Christmas time.
Feb 19, 4:47am
I'd hazard a guess that it's because of all the preservatives etc,but it's not really answering OP's question is i!
Feb 19, 6:29am
eastie3.following your good advice, I let all these go now ;)
Feb 19, 7:40am
Well it was and delicious spread with sugar free fruit spread, frozen mixed berries and strawberry jelly over the top.
Lots of things sit on supermarket shelves in packets for a few weeks and are still perfectly edible, ie. biscuits, chippies, slices, eclair cases .
Feb 19, 8:08am
I do a low calorie banoffe pie with thm.
Fill with caramel yoghurt, top with sliced banana, dust with cocoa
Feb 19, 8:10am
By the way.
I tried two stores in wgtn last week. Neither had them , Christmas only. Grrr
Feb 19, 8:24am
I can't find sponge fingers either for someone's uni "care package"
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