My husband has been told he must use a dressing for a salad,out of parifin Oil.Sounds strange to me.Can anyone help me with a recipe.Something with herbs or spices.Does anyone know of a recipe.
Feb 14, 9:05pm
That does sound odd.Paraffin oil is not digestible and will pass straight through you.It is used medically as a laxative, but I'm sure there are better ways of dealing with constipation if that is an issue.
Feb 14, 9:30pm
Thanks davidt4.After I had written it up and closed the computer down,I realised that parifin oil,was meant as a laxative,so I am pleased that you have inlightened me to this.I got a feeling,that I have had the wool pulled over my eyes.LOL.
Feb 14, 11:49pm
Go on give him some next time he is naughty!
Feb 15, 12:07am
Somewhat off topic, but this reminds me of a very funny mistake in a cake recipe that I read the other day.It was for an Italian breakfast cake and the ingredients included both caster sugar and caster (sic) oil.The context and the misspelling made it obvious that it should have been olive oil , and it's in a coffee table book so probably no-one will attempt to make it.I hope not.Castor oil cake would not be nice at all.
Feb 15, 1:55am
Good idea.Might do the trick!
Feb 15, 2:14pm "a morning radio programme (The Kitchen Front) gave housewives recipes on how, for instance, to make a 'tasty' dessert out of potatoes, without flour, sugar or lard.One government tip was use liquid paraffin (a laxative) instead of lard in baking - the effects were devastating!"
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