I've tried my first fondant cake, it wasn't the greatest, but i know where i went wrong apart from small hairline type cracks in parts of it. help i'm not sure where i went wrong. any ideas would be great thanks
Jan 2, 4:48am
Possibly.and not sure .but could have been rolled out too thinly. Take around ball of the left over fondant, knead in your palm to heat up slightly, and rub over the crack. It will smooth it, as well as polish your cake.
You've done well.
Jan 2, 4:38pm
aw awsome thanks i'll try that. i could see myself really liking fondant once i get the swing of using it. surprised how easy it is to colour and actually use it. thought it would be alot harder (even with the mistakes ive made lol. has anyone got any tricks of the trade. also do i leave it out to harden it! it does in the fridge (i usually use buttecream and fridge i find for myself is best) I've got icing pens and i really want to start using them
Jan 2, 4:46pm
dont put it in the fridge it will go sticky and weep.
Jan 2, 4:56pm
ok kool, how long in general does it take to harden and does it need to be in an airtight container!
Jan 2, 4:57pm
sorry very new to it, rather do it the right way lol
Jan 2, 5:14pm
When I ice a cake with fondant, I leave it out with one of those net umbrellas over it. It will take a while for it to harden due to the muggy weather at the moment, but generally it should harden up in a day or so.
Jan 2, 5:22pm
awsome thanks i got told to invest in one of those, i might just have to lol
Jan 2, 8:53pm
$2 shop has awesome ones.
Jan 2, 9:43pm
kool something non expensive :) i'll take a look
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