Having a debate with the Neighbour's. Are eggs that are collected daily and will be used over a period for up to 3 weeks by ourselves or Neighbour's we give them to, best stored in say a cupboard (air temperature) or the fridge! I will be interested in your thoughts and the reasons behind them.
Jan 2, 6:42am
I never put eggs in the fridge, they keep well in a cool dark place.
Jan 2, 6:42am
I store in pantry. We have fresh eggs from our hens and we rotate, ie eat in order of laying.
Jan 2, 6:47am
I have never stored any eggs in the fridge - and the longest they stayed out of said fridge was when I crossed the Atlantic and then later the Pacific. Both times the eggs were in about 30 degrees of cabin "heat" and lasted longer than 2 months.
However: I did turn them daily so the yolks did not stick to the shell and rot. AND after about 6 weeks the yolks would split when cracking the eggs - they were still very fine for baking or omelettes or scrambled eggs, but not for "sunny side up" jobs.
Jan 2, 6:48am
An egg kept in a cool place (and I don't do fridge); out of sunlight will keep for 5 weeks.
Jan 2, 6:56am
I read that keeping them in the fridge makes them last much longer than out of the fridge.
Jan 2, 7:01am
Store them with the pointy end down to keep longer. I keep them in the fridge. Whn required for baking, I remove them prior to use to come to room temp.
Jan 2, 7:14am
that's the story
Jan 2, 7:41am
Of course - like with any food - but do you really want to keep them beyond 3 or 4 months!
Jan 2, 7:42am
Yes, they do. It is recommended by egg producers that you keep them refrigerated.
Jan 2, 8:28am
I have hens, with fresh eggs daily. as above, it's recommended by the "eggsperts" that they're stored in the fridge, then taken out to 'warm' to room temp before using.
Jan 2, 8:39am
Yes, we have free range hens too.
Jan 2, 6:55pm
Freshness is the first and foremost concernbecause from the moment an egg is laid, its nutritional value, consistency, and flavor slowly degrade and deteriorate.
The air bubble at the rounded end of the egg grows larger as the egg loses moisture over time.
Storing eggs in the refrigerator will slow down the eggs' aging process considerably. Three weeks after an egg is laid, it will start to really deteriorate.
Using eggs at room temperature does not mean you should store them at room temperature - which is where people get this wrong idea about not storing them in fridges.
Jan 2, 7:54pm
so do we die or what happens to us if we don't keep our ovals in the fridge!
Jan 2, 8:08pm
Our fresh eggs stay in the pantry, point side down in a lovely porcelain egg holder, but we sell them as we get too many so as soon as there is a dozen they go into a carton and hubby takes them to work, we do keep some for ourselves. But they are so nice I cant bear to cook with them so I buy supermarket eggs to bake with and store them in the fridge. I made ice-cream yesterday with the chooks eggs and maybe thats why it has frozen 'solid' they were a few days old so not same day laid.
Jan 2, 8:11pm
.well ours stay pretty flavoursome for some time, the people at hubbys work that buy them get upset if they dont get them!everyone that has them cant believe the beautiful flavour compare to shop bought.
Jan 2, 9:31pm
This must be the most exciting post in this whole thread. You have all those lovely eggs and then you go and buy supermarket eggs!
There must be a New Years Resolution coming up now: "I must use up all my own eggs first before I am allowed to buy any" . or something like that.
I dare ya to bake a cake with your own eggs next week :)
Have a Happy New Year seniorbones - and DO eat more of your own lovely eggs!
Jan 3, 3:48am
How come they don't refrigerate eggs at the supermarket if its what you're supposed to do! I just keep mine on my hutch dresser in a ceramic egg holder thing, because I'd never remember to take them out of the fridge prior to baking and they get eaten within a week anyway, but at work we store them in the chiller.
Jan 3, 3:58am
I once read that an egg on the bench ages 1 week compared to the 1 day that an egg in the fridge ages.I find that they do keep much better in the fridge - whites stay thicker for longer.We have our own chooks and always, always store in the fridge.
Jan 3, 4:05am
The turnover is so fast that the eggs are there a very short time.
Jan 3, 4:09am
well before we had fridges and the so called eggsperts said to put them in the fridge. Everyone stored them either in the pantry or a cupboard, on the bench in a container or the safe, killed no one that I know of. Anyway here they are kept in the pantry as I was taught some 50+ years ago.
Jan 3, 4:10am
Eggs have enzyme inhibitors in them to stop them from rotting immediately or how else would they stay fresh while incubating a new life! If you use them in a timely fashion and have too many to store in the fridge then out of the fridge will do just fine.
I stick mine in the fridge because I haven't got anywhere safe to store them on the bench but I don't when we go camping because I haven't got enough fridge space and they have lasted perfectly well for the 3 weeks we have stayed away.
Jan 3, 4:25am
Of course they'll be fine on the bench if you eat them fast enough. in fact, ours are eaten so quickly (we get 3 a day from the hens) that they would NEVER go off in this house.It's for 'storage' that the fridge is needed, so that they last longer.Just because no one ever "died" from a stale egg, does not mean I want to "eat" a stale egg, lol!
Jan 3, 5:40am
Avoid the dreaded stale egg The rotten and lightweighten You store yours and I'll store mine Just be careful to rotate 'em
Jan 3, 7:42am
Thankyou for the comments to my original post - appreciated. We collect our eggs daily and store those required by ourselves in a fridge, the balance are given away. As a result of the postings we will continue to fridge store and when required for cooking bring to room temperature several hours before. I have now checked to make sure the pointed end is down.
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