No.It does nothing of the sort. Read it, then post the section/s in the bill that will stop you growing your own food.
Dec 31, 8:00pm
No it doesn't.How many threads is it going to take before people actually read it.
Dec 31, 8:10pm
Agreed.people need to read things properly, and stop listening to the shite stirers
Dec 31, 8:31pm
So if the bill is essentially making no changes why is it being drafted in the first instance!
Dec 31, 8:41pm
There is quite a stretch between "making changes" and "taking away the human right to grow food". .
Dec 31, 8:45pm
lts stopping the farmers markets and self help at the gate
Dec 31, 9:02pm
Who said it was making no changes!What it ISN'T doing, is stopping anyone from growing their own produce, or even giving it away to a neighbour.The changes are related to SELLING of food.
Dec 31, 9:52pm
Done -signed
Dec 31, 10:11pm
If you sell stuff and it looks good but is grown in a cesspit you may be up for something when the purchaser get sick. You sell stuff that looks good and is grown in a clean area, then you and the produce are ok.
Dec 31, 10:17pm
and who really thinks that on line petitions work.Heaps of people have "signed" that petition without a name!No politician will even bother to read it. If you really think something should be done at least write a letter to your MP.
"E-petitions are the latest manifestation of slacktivism, the search for the ultimate feel-good that derives from having come to society’s rescue without having had to actually get one’s hands dirty or open one’s wallet."
Jan 6, 8:36pm
What a load of bollocks, it does not.
Jan 6, 11:33pm
Umm . we do not know yet if those people will be automatically exempt or if they need to sign up first - and then ask to be made exempt beaker. We also have no idea of the costs involved. Both of which could mean that many small growers will have to give up.
So while we get told all the time it "will be no problem" - the minister is not giving us any definite answers. I have been looking at that piece of proposed legislation for quite a while - it has been discussed for years - so people involved in growers markets etc are quite worried actually.
Jan 6, 11:37pm
No it does not - but it will hard for small growers who sell small amounts of food or seeds as they have been "accidentally caught up in that legislation" according to the minister. very interesting wording I thought.
It seems to even go as far as feeding your produce to visitors at home, as all of a sudden there is mention in one article I read a few days ago that they "want to make sure" that the wwoofing scheme is not affected . "they want to" so nothing much about how the law will work is decided only the law itself is written. All that plus the costs come later.
Jan 6, 11:39pm
As long as all people who grow or make food to sell abide by the same rules it's all good.
Jan 6, 11:47pm
Just another form of control in the long run.
Jan 6, 11:48pm
It's just updating the food act 1981.
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