Cookessentials - Mamas Pie was beautiful

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gerry64, Dec 26, 4:34pm
havent made a sponge for ages cookessentiales - I remember when I bought my first fan oven donkeys years ago making them non stop - just might go out and get a couple of sponge tins -
found a nice recipe on the kitchenaide website for macadamia yogurt cake
but it has xanthan gum in it - might have trouble finding it over here in Bathurst

cookessentials, Dec 26, 5:24pm
I am sure it will be a hit lurtz, especially if you like espresso!

cookessentials, Dec 26, 5:25pm
Yes, that might be a problem! My Dannevirke lady reckons the machine whips plenty of air into the sponge mixture making them lovely and high when they cook.

badams1, Dec 26, 8:24pm
cookessentials, youve got competition.I hear you pretty good, but i wonder, are you any good at making the perfect burnt toast. x

rrrg, Dec 26, 8:57pm
Are they choc digestives for plain

cookessentials, Dec 26, 9:25pm
ha doubt that at times I could do burnt toast perfectly LOL.

cookessentials, Dec 26, 9:26pm
Hi rrg, just the plain digestive biscuits are the ones to use. Arnotts were the ones I used last time I made it.

cookessentials, Dec 26, 11:24pm
Thanks duckmoon, really appreciate your comments.

lost-in-oz, Dec 27, 1:12am
Instead of the rum, you can use Masala.tastes divine!

cookessentials, Dec 27, 1:16am
I guess you could, however, try it with the rum first and then maybe for your next one try the masala and then decide.

lost-in-oz, Dec 27, 1:22am
I've made one with masala and it.I'm not a rum fan . that's why I suggested the masala.

cookessentials, Dec 27, 1:41am
What ever works for you . I am not a great rum fan, but honestly, it is not that noticeable

zambesi2, Dec 27, 1:46pm
I'm definately going to try that recipe. I've noticed that the 'good' cocoa isn't on the supermarket shelves, so where would I buy it from! I've noticed that the general coca doesn't seem to give a nice dark chocalaty look.

griffo4, Dec 27, 2:35pm
Zambesi2 Binn Inn or New World have the dark dutch cocoa l get the Blooker or Equagold brands, the Blooker brand is cheaper but still nice or you can buy it off here

arden22, Dec 28, 1:02am
I madeMama Cake for years, always taking it to special staff suppers and the like. I was always asked for the recipe! It is so rich and delicious. I layered mine in a clear round glass dish so that the layers were seen - quite impresssive. I haven't made it for a long time but I'm now tempted to make one for our family get-together at the New Year. Thanks for reminding me about it.

cookessentials, Dec 28, 1:05pm
I get my "Blooker" from Moore Wilson. ANother great one is Valrhona which you can get from the likes of Sabato ( they are online) and some specialty stores sell it. I must say, it is a lovely dessert,but quite rich. The fresh berries seem to be a nice pairing.

zambesi2, Dec 29, 1:12am
Thanx for that.I will hunt it out!This cadburys stuff is rubbish for baking. Can't wait to try making it.

cookessentials, Dec 29, 1:13am
Agree.have not used Cadbury cocoa in years.