Coconut oil - does anyone cook with it??

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winnie15, Sep 22, 9:50pm
danielvds i'm sure it will be fine to use it ... as for the previous poster racid would be so awful! i buy my cocnut oil at the supermarket, it's a cerebus (sp? ) brand and it $7 for a medium sized jar.

bedazzledjewels, Sep 22, 9:57pm
My Celebes brand jar of 500ml costs me nearly $20 from John Appleton online.

winnie15, Sep 24, 9:51am
ouch thats expensive bedazz! ., Sep 24, 10:05am
I find this interesting - Regarding coconut oil "facilitates absorption of calcium
and magnesium" I have an autoimmune disease (one of many) that stops me being able to absorb, store and utilize Magnesium. . to the point where I have to take A LOT of supplementation to keep my levels up and relieve symptoms. . I have been reading for about the last 7 hours straight now on coconut oils. . I blame you's

danielvds, Sep 24, 11:19am
It puts a whole different spin on things doesn't it maxwell. I started reading up on coconut oil after uli posted the link to the soyonline - scary stuff. The family really enjoy the change and the kids mentioned today that their sugar cravings were going away. They seem to be asking for more fruit and vegetables recently which is very out of character for a 9 and 10 year old.

winnie15, Sep 24, 9:15pm
lol maxwell! yeh it's compulsive reading eh! . . actually i haven't been so focused on food since using coconut oil... crosses fingers for weight loss! . . i was going to ry weight watchers or low fat again, but remembered that those diets work only for a time then the weight flies back on.

jubre, Sep 24, 9:37pm
I have just read the soyonline too Gee and some people switch from milk to soya thinking they are doing themselves wonders. Maxwell I have left a message on one of your auctions. I have a autoimmune disease also and have had problems with perscription drugs causing other conditions, I have just gone to a natropath. Hoping you might like to chat with me about things. Im now interested in what coconut oil can do for me too.

winnie15, Sep 24, 10:29pm
yeh i have fibromyalgia which is an autoimmune disease ... am interested to find out more about this coconut oil thing too, Sep 24, 10:55pm
HI Jub (reminds me of jubes) I will get back to you today at some stage after i have done all the compulsory crap the day has to offer such as food shopping and wot not.

winnie15, Sep 25, 1:56am
heres an excellent website about it all
/health-benefits-of-coconut-oil.html I'm going to be reading for quite some time cause there's awesome info!

danielvds, Sep 25, 4:31am
great easy to read website winnie Now we have all this wonderful information about the health benefits etc, we need to find good quality supplies of the stuff. It works out very expensive if you are eating the recommended 3 1/2 T per day that is recommended, expecially if you have the whole family using it like I have.

sherylt, Sep 25, 5:07am
Hi all, I would just like to put my name forwards in the autoimmune disorder club, lol, I have MS. I've been doing a bit of research into coconut oil myself, after reading about it on here, and it does sound good. Think I might switch to it for cooking in the near future.

jubre, Sep 25, 5:15am
I am away home now as my net is at my work But Hi to Sheryl, Winnie, Maxwell. We need to start our own thread, do you reckon. I have been in the fibro thread and lupus thread but no one seems to want to talk about natural stuff to help us. I guess its not for everyone, but when you want to give up on percription drugs. All this other stuff can be very interesting. Maybe we can all hook up somehow. Have a good weekend everyone., Sep 25, 5:56am
ahh sorry jubes life crap got in the way today. . not good stuff either. . will send u thru my details anyway, no doubt u will get them when back to work Monday :o)

janny3, Sep 25, 9:08am
Thanks everyone I need to get some decent coconut oil & not the rancid stuff I got last time. I read on Mercola I think, that the good stuff doesn't need refrigeration & a spoonful in a shake or other, is helpful. So will need to look into getting some when affordable. Cheers!

winnie15, Sep 25, 9:13am
the other threads don't wanna talk about natural remedies because they've basically tried them all and they don't work, all they do is give us false hope and empty our wallets. Must tell them about the coconut oil thing though... they're always interested in what works for others., Sep 25, 9:44am
well personally I only use natural remedies and supplementation, they all work perfectly fine for me and others I know, in fact they are quite essential. Its a matter of finding the right 'amount/balance and type' for your body however, and I tend to find most who try, do just that, they try without looking further into it. Then they don't end up taking the right type or right amount or for the right duration and there for don't see any results. Many supplements will have no results until after 3 months when the bodys cells are completely re-newed, those that 'give stuff a try' tend to give up before this time. Then they label - 'False hope' being one of those.

winnie15, Sep 25, 11:27am
false hope was my choice of words not theirs. I've had fibro for 7 yrs and believe me i've tried heaps of stuff... it works for a while then i'm back with my pain. The only thing that works for me is medication to stop the brain thinking the body is sending it pain messages, panadol , synflex, amtrip, fluox, and sleeping tablets. No i'd rather not take these medications but if i don't want to be writhling in pain everyday i have to. There are worse medications out there which is why i won't go near them unless I absolutely have to . . but I do take a multi vit everyday. Natural therapies have their place but then so do pharmacutical medicines.

danielvds, Sep 25, 12:55pm
Coconut oil could be the answer for you winnie. For such a simple change in your life, there could be great benefits for you, if what we are reading is correct. A must read is
if you're looking at introducing coconut oil into your diet. It helped confirm to me that coconut is the way to go after uli posted the link a while back.

uli, Sep 25, 7:24pm
I also believe that we are what we think we are so it helps to go and find the connections in oneself. This is always a hot topic - as most people rather believe that something has "befallen" them, rather than feel that they themselves have created something in their bodies. After reading "the Journey" some years back I am even more convinced that our thoughts and mental patterns create a whole lot of suffering for our bodies which we can undo if we chose to really look into the nooks and crannies. Can be a very hard task and needs total commitment, but hey what else would you rather do LOL :)

winnie15, Sep 25, 9:11pm
thnx for the link danieldi'll go havealook. uli thats a very good point! . . if you break the word disease up you get dis ease , stress can be a killer in itself . Bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness etc can cause our bodies to become sick. But on the other hand genetics can be the cause of diseases passed down from generation to generation. What we eat can have a huge bearing on the state of our bodies, too much processed foods can cause our body to become unbalanced and therefore open to sickness. Then theres smoking, drinking, drugs, and so on. there is the saying 'we are what we eat' . .

uli, Sep 25, 9:52pm
From own experience winnie15 I found that only the release of the old patterns and thoughts etc would bring permanent healing. Anything else is a help but didn't do it on its own, be it food, supplements, treatments whatever. I think once the underlying problem is released, the energy flows can re-establish themselves and then the body begins to heal automatically by itself. Eating the right stuff and getting any extra treatments might speed it up. In my case I know that it never worked with just food etc., Sep 25, 10:10pm
Winnie If your open to it - and theres really no point if your not - then find a local Bowen Therapy Practitioner in your area, it could be worth a shot for you.

uli, Sep 26, 7:58am
re post # 15 this is the link: asp
x? id=38630993&p=1&L=1&c=1, Sep 26, 8:57am
that was a good read uli .