I bought a That's Life mag months ago because it had "The 10 Best Slice Receipes Ever" or something along those lines.The slices WERE delicicious - the kids loved them, but darn I've lost the magazine.Does anybody else happen to have this copy! Thanks!
Excellent! Thanks so much.I will be able to find them in here.One of the all-time faves with the kids was the choc honeycomb slice.This is AWESOME!So pleased I've now got the recipe again.
Nov 6, 1:44am
dotty 23 I have done a search on this site for choc honeycomb slice and I can't find it.Do you mind either sending me a link to it or posting the recipe.Many thanks.
Sure is! Sorry was Honeycomb slice not "Choc".I think I just used plain malt biscuits & normal butter.Deeeeevine!
Nov 11, 4:58pm
the passionfruit slice is exactly what Im looking for
Nov 14, 1:40pm
What is the amount of passionfruit pulp to use. I couldnt read the amount in the recipe!
Nov 14, 1:55pm
1/3 cup passionfruit pulp.
Nov 15, 12:03am
I made the Passionfruit sliceyesterday and used Tasti passionfruit from the wee jar,I took it to work for morning tea and it went so fast that I missed out on a piece.So,a big success.
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