i made cannalloni last night and have about a cup of filling left over. i tried but can't think of any bright ideas of what to do with it. inspiration! it has egg yolks, and a little grated cheese in it too.
Oct 28, 7:28pm
wrap in filo and bake
Oct 28, 9:32pm
Frittata! Just beat up a few more eggs, add a little milk then the mixture.
Oct 28, 9:39pm
I second that, yum!
Oct 28, 10:54pm
hmm have no filo. frittata could definately be an option though as we have pleanty of eggs. would it be possible to freeze the spinach/ricotta mixture for later use though! or what about putting into little bread cases and freezing them! im not sure if my ideas are even possible ahhaha
Oct 28, 11:54pm
freeze till next time
Oct 29, 2:43am
If you have plenty of eggs then make very thin pancakes/omelettes and fill with the mixture, then keep warm in the fry pan with lid on for a bit to set the filling mix. Serve with a big green salad.
Oct 29, 2:45am
Fry up some mince and make a sort of lasagne
Oct 29, 2:49am
Make a quiche
Oct 29, 7:24pm
i made cannalloni last night and have about a cup of filling left over. i tried but can't think of any bright ideas of what to do with it. inspiration! it has egg yolks, and a little grated cheese in it too.
edit to say sorry for the spelling!
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