Craving for the taste to take me back to Fiji - if only in my mind lol. I saw a recipe in the Sunday Star Timeswhich used trevally but would another fish be even better!
Oct 13, 4:54am
Trevally is our favourite.It is wonderful raw and is highly sought after for sashimi and sushi.Of course it needs to be super-fresh.Next best in my opinion would be tuna or salmon.
That recipe in the Sunday paper was Al Brown's and it looks fantastic, especially if you use fresh coconut cream.I'm going to make it as soon as I can get hold of a coconut.
Oct 13, 5:14am
I like to use blue cod, probably because it's easy for me to get and it's nice and firm mmmm
Oct 13, 5:16am
hmm might try trevally then as its usually not a fish one would call delish!
Oct 13, 5:22am
In my mind (which is not always completely reliable, but hey - it's the only one I have!) I associate trevally with bait.In Alexandra we only have one New World supermarket and they have a pretty good selection of fresh fish, but I don't think I have ever seen trevally. I'll keep an eye open. That recipe looked fabulous!
Oct 13, 5:24am
My local supermarket usually has blue cod, so I might practice with this. Sliced really thin, right! Do you have your own special recipe, iriegirl!
Oct 13, 5:33am
Trevally is an oily fish and the flesh is not perfectly white.Apparently that's the reason that it is not as popular as species like snapper and hapuka.I use it a lot, either raw or hot-smoked or in robust stews and curries.It does need to be very fresh, and it's best if you buy it whole so you can judge the condition of the fish.Give it a try.
Oct 13, 5:33am
i like tarakihi or gurnard both should be available down south
Oct 13, 6:57am
trevally. yellowfin tuna. albacore. some even use snapper.
Oct 13, 7:34am
Trevally is my favourite fish.
Oct 13, 9:31am
I use Hoki fillets for "ladies a plate" and Monkfish or Bluenose at home
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