I can't believe it, but I kept making things like rock cakes or stones, and eventually decided that as I was doing everything right, and still kept getting a dud result, that it must be something to do with the ingredients.I puzzled long and hard and decided that it was because I always use low fat trim milk, so thought I would try making scones with "proper" milk.It seems I have finally solved the problem.I can't say what I made yesterday were absolutely delicious "melt in your mouth" scones, but they were a huge improvement on my usual efforts.
Oct 1, 4:18pm
good for you , if it worked once. do it again. I only make one recipe now, never fails, they are yummy, don't have any left to put in the rock garden. It comes down to. what works for ,you.
Oct 1, 4:43pm
I'm going to try again next time I have the oven on.There were two left and they are still okay to eat today, usually even the birds struggle with them the next day.
Oct 1, 4:47pm
Well done kuaka. I had the same problem until I discovered subo's idiot proof scones. Needed to be somewhere the other day with only 20 minutes to spare, managed to mix up the scones, shower and dress, and be out the door with the hot scones in a clean tea towel, to rave reviews! Edited to add, I was 4 minutes late.
Oct 1, 6:20pm
can you please put up the receipe for the idiot proof scones, I still think I'll manage to fail with them though LOL.
Oct 1, 7:24pm
i made the idiot proof scones the other day.and was amazed.i sprinkled cheese on top and they looked and tasted as good as any cafe!
Oct 1, 7:30pm
"Idiot proof Scones. Here it is again for anyone. Melt 50gms butter in a microwave jug. Let cool a little and break 1 egg into it and top up with milk to = approx 1 3/4 cups liquid. Mix well with a fork. Add by mixing with a knife to 3 large cups self raising flour. Bake 230 for 10 mins. You can add a bit of sugar and fruit or cheese or whatever you feel like."
I haven't made these, but I did savethe recipe from the MB to pass on.
Oct 1, 7:34pm
Kuaka- nothng to do with the low fat milk. I only ever user skim milk powder and my scones are delicious.-- Not all cafe scones are good either, I have had some dud ones. Only the cafes that are using pe mixes have consistently perfect results. Its all in the "feel" .I can make scones but am hopeless at sponges.Maybe because I don't like sponge cake!
Oct 1, 7:59pm
I think that too.I can throw a good scone together, but if I am being a little careless can always tell straightaway if the mixture is too dry -in time to correct it.
'Handle nicely' the pre-1950s NZ cookbooks say.that means don't knead them, just pat them and work quickly.
Oct 1, 8:26pm
Oh well, it was a nice theory.It's just that the trim milk I use is really just like coloured water, no fat to speak of at all, so the mix is a bit like trying to make a glue out of flour and water, and then cooking it.I never knead them, don't even roll them out, just pat into a smoothish blob and cut partly through with a knife.
Oct 1, 8:51pm
That's what I like about the idiot proof ones. No kneading, just blob it out on to baking paper on a hot tray (it's a wet mixture) mark lightly with a floured knife, and bingo.
Oct 2, 1:46am
Idiot-proof scone recipe . Put 1 can lemonade and 1 cup cream into a large bowl.Add a pinch of salt and 4 cups self-raising flour.Lightly mix, place on hot oven tray and bake at 180' until just brown.Divine!
Oct 2, 2:46am
Full cream milk made a big difference to my scones and piklets.Always keep full cream milk in the fridge now.Hubby likes it best on his poridge too.
Oct 2, 3:02am
Scones. Date. 4 cups of flour, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp baking soda, 4 tsp cream of tartar, sifted. chop up and add 200grams of dates. melt 100 grams of butter, add 1 egg, beat with whisk, add milk to make up to 2 cups. add to dry ingredients mix. bake 15 minutes in a hot oven.
Oct 2, 3:03am
Pull apart Cheese and onion. Scones.
4 cups of flour, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp baking soda, 4 tsp cream of tartar,
200grams of grated cheese, 1/2 a medium onion very finely chopped, 1 egg, 100 grams of melted butter, 1 and 1/2 cups of milk, may need a little more
Sift all the dry ingredients, melt the butter, beat the egg in a measuring jug, add the melted butter, then milk to make up to 2 cups of liquid add the milk mixture to the dry ingredients , mix lightly, adding more milk so the mixture is not crumbly at all, I tip my scones straight out onto a floured baking tray. I cut them on the tray, using a wet knife I sprinkle more grated cheese over the top, bake 15-20 minutes in a 250%C oven.
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