I have used kiwicrush, benefibre, and alpine tea (alpine tea is great!) and as a last resort lactulose from the doctor.Don't forget to drink plenty of water too :)
Aug 6, 7:03pm
Alpine works extremely well but its not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.I eat 6 raw almonds every morning and low carb bread ie burgen weight management with delicious butter.Cut back on pasta, rice and white flour if you can and you will notice a huge difference ie no straining and quick toileting.
Aug 6, 7:08pm
try some bran with your weetbix. Can buy it as bakers bran (bran Flakes) which is a nice soft flake or the harder bran that you see in sultana bran.
Aug 6, 8:15pm
I'm like several of you and have tried everything there is available, both over the counter or via the Dr, also the more fruit, veges grain thing but I just block up even more, sometimes previous to my lifesaving juice I could go a full week with NOTHING happening, but I've found a glass of prune juice with hot water every morning works a treat, wouldn't be without it!
Aug 6, 9:11pm
Roasted prunes on a prune compote with a prune jus.
Aug 7, 4:19am
Yep senokote is good as are plenty of fresh kiwifruit and blueberries. A lot of Drs & health professionals recommend Metamucil every morning which you can now get at the s/mkt. The flavoured ones are quite pleasant.
Aug 7, 2:52pm
Go to your local Health Shop.ours does up their own mixture which they call Poo Brew .it is blardy brilliant.it is all the natural bits and pieces, Pysillium, (got a brain clog at the moment) all that sort of natural stuff.I swear by it.
If your local doesn't do anything, ring Hardys Health Shop in New Plymouth, and ask them send you some.
Aug 8, 3:36am
Metamucil is what Dr. has given me and is the best I have had so so far, I have tried the rest
Aug 8, 6:10am
l sprinkle flax seeds over weetixdoes the trick.Cheers
Aug 8, 3:52pm
My sister has six prunes soaked in boiling water until plump when she gets up in the morning plus drinks the water soaked in! VERY effective
Aug 8, 6:05pm
2 large kiwi fruit daily till you come right.
Aug 8, 6:37pm
I have a wheelchair bound son and his bowels are managed by a pudding mixture each night. Custard and mix in half raw apple ( we grate it) 2 prunes, and large tsp of nulax and 2 senokot. 8 am on the dot he goes. Nulax is a natural fruit laxitive available from the chemist. And drink extra water during the day. We tried kiwi crush etc and it didnt work. This receipe has been what we found works forthe pass 10 years. Sometimes we will add another prune or more apple if things are getting a bit sluggish.
Aug 9, 2:11am
My sister has this problem as well, and was recently admitted to hospital with a blocked bowel, no fun! Her dr has told her to eliminate as much white sugar as possible from her diet, and where she has to have sugar to use brown sugar. Her breakfast now consists of porridge with brown sugar, prunes or stewed plums and kiwifruit. She has also had to change her bread to a fibre bread instead of white bread. She use to drink a lot of juice and has now substituted that with mizone water. Hope this helps you.
Aug 15, 5:22am
My late grandad use to have a pear and then a cuppa tea straight after,always worked for him.
Aug 15, 6:25am
Drink at least 2 litres of clear fluids a day-really importantwhen you have constipation problems Ask your doctor to send you for food allergy tests-that can also be a reason for constipation Make sure that you are getting exercise too One of the geriatricians here used to put elderly people who ahd been living on laxatives, onto a kiwifruit a day -cured the problem, no need for laxatives
Aug 15, 8:37pm
If all else fails eat kiwi fruit daily or buy kiwi crush juice and drink that. I find one of my meds creates this problem for me but the old kiwi fruit does the trick.
Aug 15, 9:11pm
What ever you do peel the skin off the apple, that binds you up. My DD has suffered since she was born and is having another bad bout of it. Keep away from bananas and cheese as these block you up too.
Eat high fibre products, dried fruit is excellent, high fibre bread, kiwfruit.
Im thinking you really need to speak to your GP/Specialist and a dietician. Maybe it is an allergy but its amazing how many food out there that can block you up.
Im so sick of this, have had all my life. My recent pregnancy helped, once baby was big I went to the toilet every day. But now i don't and it is causing tears.TMI but yeah. Painful. I sorta just want to try veges, fruit and wholegrains and see if i see a difference.
Aug 6, 12:27am
my husband has been like this for years, he gets from his doctor lactalose and also try newlac from the chemist.It is all natual with dates, figs, prunes, kiwi etc.You just need about a teaspoon of it a day and dont go far from the toilet.The lactalose would be better for you though as it will not hurt your bowl.Newlacwill work really well but I would suggest you only use it a couple of times a week as it can iriate the bowl if used for years (so the doctor says but haven't seen any sign of this ourselves).
Aug 6, 12:52am
Chia (I'm sure that is what you meant to say) are fantastic. Have you tried fasting for a 24 hours and drinking lots of water during your fast! This will give your digestive system a breakand a chance to have a good clean out.
What is your diet like normally!
Aug 6, 2:01am
Stewed dried fruit.prunes, apricots, sultanas & sliced fresh apples, cook & enjoy with breakfast cereals especially bran or as a dessert.Make sure you drink plenty of water.Also some bending exercises might help.Hope it all 'goes' well!
Aug 6, 2:21am
Any fruit or 'veggies' with seeds you eat, such as kiwis, tomatoes, cucumber, passionfruit.Linseed, ground or whole, and as much fresh fruit and veggies you can eat and plenty of water.
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