Nearest one is an hour's drive away = more than twenty bucks' in petrol! :-(
Aug 14, 1:23am
Buy a lot when you're there. LOL
Aug 14, 2:14am
for those that use stock powder keep it in the fridge. It stops it from going hard and lumpy
Aug 15, 5:42pm
you can get Massels at Countdown too.
Sep 29, 3:36pm
I emailed maggi about their stock powder they just sent me a voucher for $5 discount, hate their new chicken stock and seasoning it is gross, why change something that is not broken and has been around for so many years. wont use it again. Bought from Binn Inn much better even tho its 1.5 hrs drive away bought lots of their stuff.
Sep 30, 1:39am
oxo cubes!
Sep 30, 1:48am
Massells is so salty and I find the chicken one really false tasting,, which is unsurprising since there are no animal products at all it Massells.Of all of them I think Knorr is the least offensive and is a lot less salty.
Sep 30, 2:16am
Massel has salt-reduced stock cubes too - check the label.I buy the vegetable packet.
Sep 30, 2:42am
Since I posted in August I, too, have found Massel-simply because my local Countdown had neither chicken nor beef Oxo cubes in stock.Would you believe!
I am thrilled with the Massel and can't understand why you, karennz, find them salty.The Maggi ones I find the worst for saltiness but the Massel ones I find are not-I don't like salt and put either none or the bare minimum in my cooking and Massel stock cubes just have the right balance-for me, of course.Different strokes for different folks!
Sep 30, 2:49am
.and just to be different, I like the new Maggi Beef and Seasoning stock powder - tastes more like well-browned beef to me. Can't say I've noticed much difference in their chicken stock powder though.
Sep 30, 3:02am
Maggi have start to parallelimport from china and its made to chinese taste, You have to check the packets for madein NZ FOR THE GOOD STUFF
Sep 30, 3:04am
i always use oxo . great flavour!
Sep 30, 3:29am
i rang maggi the other day about their chicken stock,because it is so salty,and the lady said it was new and improved,i said it aint improved,its shit,but she was very nice about it,and is gonna send a voucher.
Sep 30, 6:20am
OXO cubes all the way - have used them for 20 years - and my Mum has used them for 20 years before that!
Sep 30, 5:00pm
We've changed back to oxo as well, I don't know why maggi had to try to fix something that wasn't broken.
Oct 2, 3:06am
They also do a beef one too.
Oct 2, 5:14am
I always thought the best Maggi stock flavour was their mushroom one. It was great for cooking mushrooms and seemed to really bring out the flavour. Sadly they seemed to stop making it a few years ago! Goodness knows why.Very annoying when they chop & change things!
Oct 3, 11:24pm
I emailed Maggi and put forward my complaint about the new improved recipe. all I got was a sorry, we'll let the Marketing department know :(. no voucjer for me!
Oct 3, 11:29pm
Asians stores have really nice stock cubes and they come in wierd flavours
Apr 28, 7:49pm
powdered bacon stock in New Zealand is available from Binn Inn shops, just bought some recently
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