Roasting whole garlic

gregg74, Jul 19, 8:17pm
When roasting whole garlic cloves do you cover in tin foil, or use olive oil over or just place in roasting dish as is & leave ?

peaknuckle, Jul 19, 8:39pm
i always wrap mine in tin-foil with some butter but maybe there are other ways?

pericles, Jul 19, 8:42pm
I just put them in a very small cast iron pot (witches pot), then a dash of oil, lid on

morticia, Jul 19, 8:46pm
I usually just sit them unpeeled on top of the roast veges to cook through. The skin doesn't need any oil on it.

norse_westie, Jul 19, 9:56pm
This. Elephant garlic is even better than standard garlic but I didnt get any this year. My kids love it too.

susieq9, Jul 19, 10:27pm
I cut the top (or in half) off, driizle with oil and roast with the veges.

antoniab, Nov 26, 4:49pm
Im doing one now to make some hummus later on tonight - I wrap in foil with a bit of olive oil :)