Oh come on people. If we don't embrace this new fangled manufacturered product with open arms and include it liberally into our nutritional requirements were will once again open ourselves up to being called, '*#"whisper, whisper"#*' purists. That is just the ultimate insult in anyone's books and everyone else will feel sorry for us.
Now gird your loins fellow purists. Let's not be outcasts any longer. Eat up your cheese in a can and if you don't enjoy it, maybe a spoonful of condensed milk will help the medicine go down.
Once we have mastered cheese in a can we can go on to other single ingredient foods like, oh let me think, yes, turbo bread. We can liberally spread that with both cheese in a can and condensed milk, at once. Yummo. Enjoy. Devine.
Dec 28, 9:45pm
And toadfish. We are just sad, no-nothing posters who have been left alone in the thread, in our drab working clothes. No one wants to share their festive adventures with us low class, purists. Humour is the face we are showing the world but inside we are pitifully crying. Running amok with irony and humour helps us forget our pitiful and empty existence. We are just wiling away our long and lonely days till the exciting and popular girls return. Don't worry, they'll have us geeks whipped and cowed in no time flat and you'll all once again rule this board with your niceness and seriousness.
Dec 28, 9:48pm
What a nasty few posters on this thread. An absolute "bitchfest". Why don't some of you just grow up and get a life. I use to enjoy popping into recipes. If you haven't got something nice to say, don't say it. Takle a break and go outside and get some freshair! !
Dec 28, 9:53pm
Buzzy - you and David et al (nice bloke that one! ) have me crying I'm laughing so much! We must have all been brought up with Fawlty Towers! Now what would Basil have done with some Highlander!
Dec 28, 9:56pm
He would have made a salad dressing, served it as "mayonnaise" and when someone queried it shouted "Grow up and get a life" as he threw them out.
Dec 28, 10:01pm
Buzzy110, I have to thank you for the inspirational message contained in #51. I had not realised until now that it was possible to attain previously undreamt of culinary heights at the mere click of a mouse button but thanks to your encouragement and enthusiastic exhortations to us all I believe the day has arrived ! Whilst checking an old book which belonged to my mother for arecipe Iwanted to post in another thread I happened to come across this gem and I challenge anyone who may be lurking here to better it. It is described as being a filling for sweet or savoury breads: 1 cup sweetened condensed milk, 3 tbsps lemon juice, 3 oz grated or mashed cheese. The instruction is that these should be mixed well together with a silver fork and used as a fillingor topping. A winning combination, surely !
Dec 28, 10:03pm
But surely you would add tinned crushed pineapple to that?
Dec 28, 10:04pm
OMG people - this must be the funniest thread on recipes for a while.
Dec 28, 10:05pm
Taurushat, perhaps a little effort cultivating your sense of humour might be time and energy well spent?
Dec 28, 10:06pm
com'on taurushat. We aren't spreading our misery around. We are just limiting it to this thread. And quite frankly, unless you are emotionally attached to condensed milk, chop chop chicken and cheese in a can, we aren't actually being nasty now are we? I am just as much entitled as anyone else to suggest a recipe involving a slice of bread spread with cheese in a can and condensed milk. I won't be offended if you don't like my new favourite recipe and say so. However, when I read similar recipes I don't enter the thread and accuse the posters of 'absolute bitchfest' or call them names. It's not personal unless you take it personally.
Dec 28, 10:06pm
And tinned corned beef?
Dec 28, 10:09pm
How could I forget that!
I must admit I am a terrible Kiwi, I am a born and bred New Zealander and until I read this thread I had never heard of using condensed milk for mayonnaise. *hangs head in shame*
Dec 28, 10:11pm
Dalbyj, feel free to do so by all means. Between us we may just invent something previously unheard of. In fact I think I may confidently say that we have already done just that ! Who knows where it will go from here ?
Dec 28, 10:11pm
It's the silver fork that entrances me... a mark, I assume, of the daintiness of the dish.
Dec 28, 10:12pm
For sweet OR savoury breads ... The mind boggles - so for sweet we could add some jam to make it sweeter and for savoury kirineshas corned beef with crushed pineapple ... there is no limit to it, all those options ... I am sure if you add some water it would also make a lovely and refreshing drink.
Dec 28, 10:13pm
Mind you, an old "favourite" of mine is pizza made with flakey pastry and topped with canned spaghetti, pineapple pieces and grated Colby cheese.
It does lack the CM factor though.
Dec 28, 10:18pm
It's never too late to adapt kirinesha. If people can mix cream cheese, SCM and Baileys, pour it over an innocent sponge cake and call it Tiramisu, there's no reason not to improve your pizza! Nasty foreign muck, anyway.
Dec 28, 10:20pm
I was thinking of adding it to my sauerkraut. The salty tang of the sauerkraut juice, when combined with cm would make a healthy and tasty salad dressing on those occasions when I was too busy to get out the vinegar.
Dec 28, 10:22pm
Here's another fun fact. When I was growing up in NZ there were two (yes, TWO! ) ways of making salad dressing. The everyday one involved SCM, an equal quantity of malt vinegar and some salt and Colman's mustard power. The fancy one, for special occasions, added an egg yolk and some vegetable oil. Both recipes were printed on the Highlander label.
Dec 28, 10:23pm
That is the best. My recipe file is going berserk. I'm going to have to start a new file specially for these.
Dec 28, 10:23pm
I am so pleased, as a new NZ citizen I thought I had missed a page out in the book, 'How to be a Kiwi'. I feel so much better!
Dec 28, 10:25pm
Crushed pineapple AND tinned corned beef ? Come, come there is surely no need to go completely overboard !
Dec 28, 10:36pm
Yep in case you are too busy ogling our friend here: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=OEvMOvcxtuo&feature=chann el You can see what harm low fat milk can do ...
Dec 28, 10:42pm
Anything that adds a much needed touch of refinement to these shameful proceedings surely cannot be a bad thing ?
Dec 28, 10:48pm
I fear some participants are beyond redemption.
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