I don't suppose anyone would want to come round for breakfast tomorrow? I thought I could cook up my leber kaese, pop a fried egg on top and drench it in SCM mayonnaise (the posh version) which had been mixed with a silver fork. After this we could each have a big glass of "uli's emulsion" with which we could propose many enjoyable toasts to uli's unrivalled low brain/no brain recipe creativity.
Ah. What happy memories are made of eh. In the years to come we could all look back fondly on that day, and when uli finally shuffles off her mortal coil we'll be able to put on her headstone, "Here lies uli, inventor of the incomparable and world famous Uli's Emulsion".
Jan 7, 9:46pm
Thank you so much for the lovely invitation, but I'm afraid I will be busy perfecting my Lemonade Scone base for my Apricot, Chicken and SCM Pizza Pie.
Jan 7, 9:48pm
Pretty sure you have just come up with a Wallah moment and just didn't realise it. All we need is some special ingredient to add to the SCM sauce that will raise its profile into world class gourment rank. I'm waiting for inspiration but I'm sure it will come to me soon.
Jan 7, 9:50pm
Buzzy, I am getting quite anxious that all I will be served in Italy (as per the last time I was there) are the terrible, thin pizzas with just one, perhaps 2 toppings at the most. And not a cranberry to be seen. How I will long for a thick crust pizza with ham and pineapple!
Still, I shall just have to make the most of it. I should always be able to find somewhere that serves hot chips though, and tomato sauce - even if not of the Watties brand. But I will be sure to take my SCM so if I choose I can bound through the Tuscany tussocks, or languidly float down a canal with my cup of tea and SCM, and all will be well with the world.
Jan 7, 9:52pm
Eureka. I have it. You could use, just a splash of Chicory Coffee Essence and a dab of Chinese made crunchy peanut butter. I bet your knees are trembling at my sheer audacity and inventiveness.
Jan 7, 9:56pm
Yes kirinesha. Fancy making pizza with a thin crust and which hasn't got at the very least, pineapple and reconstituted ham on it, minimum. You should stay home and let me go. I'm much better built to withstand such deprivations.
Jan 7, 10:00pm
I reckon you need to take at least a couple of cans of tinned spaghetti and have the pizzeria put them on your pizzas so you won't starve there. You might learn a few new choice words too at the same time :)
Feb 3, 2:24am
Make your own sweetened condensed milk
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=163536
Feb 3, 3:42am
It seems there is a way to substitute anything one runs out of in the kitchen. I could hardly believe my eyes when I spied this recipe the other day. From an Australian cookbook, a Flying Doctors fundraiser filled with [mostly] great recipes from outback station cooks - who fly to town once every month or two for fresh supplies.
Egg Substitute: Take the pulp of 2 oranges, ½ pint vinegar, 1 Tablespoon sugar. Mix all together. Let stand overnight. Next day boil for 10 minutes in a closed jar. Use as needed. 1 tablespoon in place of 1 egg.
Feb 3, 2:19pm
Wow - wonder how scrambled egg would come out with that one :) I suppose it was to be used in cakes and such though - thanks for sharing.
Mar 17, 2:35am
Lovely thread about scm in General just now: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=216739
Mar 17, 4:12pm
Really, uli ? I generally steer well clear of General because I've heard a rumour that one or two of the regular posters are not as well-mannered and refined as those of us who observe and sometimes post in Recipes. But I think I had better sneak in for a quick look.
Sep 25, 7:54am
Ultimate CM treatPizza base spread with every thing sweet and/colourful drizzled with lots of CM and baked until melted. My kids prefered marshmallows chocolate chunks smarties jelly babies and peanuts ( or peanut butter) Make sure to hide it until warm enough to eat.
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