I have 9kgs of ripe tomatoes and want to make some sauce, however I hate the whole boiling and skinning process and wondered if I slow roasted the toms then they may skin just as easily but with more flavour. Any ideas and thoughts on this are welcomed before I launch into my next culinarly mission!
Mar 16, 7:40pm
I would slow roast them with garlic & onions, balsamic, olive oil, oregano, salt & pepper then turn them into sauce skin and all! I've given up being pedantic about tomato skins & haven't heard any complaints from the folks I've fed!
Mar 16, 7:40pm
I did cherry tomatoes a few weeks ago with some chopped onion garlic and a little oil and balsamic vinergar do it on a low heat for a few hours I added some sugar to taste at the end. My finished dish was the tomato base with roasted pumpkin and cream it made a really thick sauce, delicious served over pasta with garlic herb sausage
Mar 16, 7:51pm
wicked~! thanks winnie and crails so much. Yeah I love my homemade tomato sauces but wish it wasn't such a hoo-har skinning the little suckers;-)
Do either of you add tomato paste to your recipes? because quite a few recipes call for it ...
Mar 16, 7:59pm
I don't if I'm making it for longterm storage - I prefer to keep it simple so I have more options with how to use it later ... ie. pasta sauce or chilli or soup or ...
Mar 16, 8:10pm
oh GOOD thinking winnie! You are one on-to-it kinda person (and boy am I glad you're having a slow day at work haha! )
Nov 8, 5:09am
Hope you understand the edited bit ... it makes sense to me! I'm looking after a little old historic store in the middle of nowhere so if I couldn't come on here - I think I'd go round the twist!
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