More... Tomatoes and Cucumbers

fisher, Jan 19, 7:51pm
With a bumper crop from my tomatoes and cucumbers which I over planted,I have frozen some tomatoes enough for winter stews etc and then made some nice recipes provided by a good friend...
My preserves cupboard is looking great with bread and butter pickle, beetroot relish, preserved beetroot, my tomato sauce and now these three which I have had fun producing over the last few days..
Been blanching beans and courgettes from the garden, pearl sweet corn which were 20 for $5 and bagging garden carrots to freeze..
All in all a productive few days enjoyed with a few bourbons to hurry the process :}
Hope these help you all to use up your excess produce..

fisher, Jan 19, 7:53pm
Homemade Tomato Sauce
In a large pot put 2 kg tomatoes,3 green apples cored and chopped, 3 onions peeled and chopped and as much peeled garlic as you like. I usually put in about 2 or 3 teaspoons crushed garlic that you buy from the supermarket in the jar.
Add 2. 5 cups malt vinegar, and simmer until everything is soft.
Puree with a stick mixer and strain out the seeds if you want, I never do though. I leave the seeds in there. If you don't have a stick blender usethe food processor and put it all back into the pot.
Add 2 c sugar,
2 tbsp salt,
1/2 tsp pepper,
1/2 tsp mixed spice and
1/4 tsp ground cloves.

If you want you can add 1/2 teaspoon of chilli powder. That just gives it a little more zing.

Simmer for another 1/2 hour or so until thickened slightly.

Pour into sterile jars or bottles and seal.

Makes about 3 litres.

You will never go back to Watties! lol

fisher, Jan 19, 7:54pm
Marge’s Chilli Tomato Relish
24 large tomatoes
2 tbsp curry powder
8 onions
3 tbsp mustard powder
6 tsp dried chilli flakes
3 tbsp flour
4 cups brown sugar
3 cups vinegar (white)

Cut tomatoes and onions into small pieces (about the size of a small fingernail) and layer in a large glass bowl. Sprinkle over salt and allow to stand overnight.
The next day drain tomatoes and onions and place in a saucepan with the chilli flakes. Add 2 cups of white vinegar and heat to boiling point and continue boiling until the onions are tender. Stir now and then. Mix together the brown sugar, curry powder, mustard powder and flour. Add 1 cup of vinegar and mix to a smooth paste.
Stir paste into tomatoes and onions and cook slowly for about 30 minutes, stirring often. When cool pour into hot sterilised jars and seal.
Makes about 8 jars.
The longer you keep it the hotter it gets with the chilli.
If you want a milder relish, cut down the amount of chilli flakes.

fisher, Jan 19, 7:55pm
Marge’s Curried Cucumber Pickle
6 medium cucumbers
3 ¼ cups white vinegar
3 onions
2 cups sugar
3 red peppers
2 tsp curry powder
½ cup salt
1 tsp celery seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds
Wash cucumbers and cut into 5 mm slices. Peel and slice onions and cut peppers into small 1cm pieces. Put vegetables into plastic bowl and sprinkle with salt. Pour enough water to cover vegies and stand for 5 hours.
Drain well.
Combine vinegar, sugar, curry powder, celery seeds and mustard seeds in a saucepan. Stir over heat until sugar is dissolved. Bring to boil. Add drained vegetables and bring back to boil for about 30 minutes or until the onions are soft. Keep stirring so mixture doesn’t stick to bottom of pot.

Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal immediately.
Makes about 10 cups.

You can use this recipe to make pickled onions too. Add brown sugar instead of white sugar and make sure you soak the peeled whole pickling onions in brine (salt and water) overnight.

susieq9, Jan 19, 8:08pm
Thanks for those recipes fisher. Would you happen to have a recipe for Tomato and Red Capsicum Chutney? Will have lots of tomatoes, one day, when they ripen!

babytears, Jan 19, 9:08pm
Fantastic... I'm just making ketchup at the moment - a recipe from The River Cottage Cookbook...

greerg, Jan 20, 3:23pm
I'm waiting eagerly for the first of our tomatoes as we're out of tomato and beetroot relish now but they're Canterbury outdoor tomatoes so the first ones are just starting to colour.Felt very tempted to bring some back from Nelson last weekend but husband was muttering darkly about rotting tomatoes in the car so I had to content myself with lots of lemons an limes which are now zested and juiced and safely in the freezer.Daughter will send me more for some chutney and preserved lemons.also waiting for my favourite Omega plums for sauce but will be making spiced apricot sauce tomorrow.

kran32, Jan 20, 3:33pm
These recipes sound great.I would love to make my own sauces etc. but am a little bit green as to how to do the 'sterilised jars' bit.I have been saving the jars and lids from dolmio etc.Can you shed some light on what I do with them to sterilise them please?

greerg, Jan 20, 5:35pm
Wash the Dolmio jars then sterilise them in the oven at 100 degrees C for 10-15 minutes.Boil the lids in water for the same length of time.I usually cover the jar with Gladwrap before I put on the lids to stop the contents causing the inside of the lid to rust.

kran32, Jan 20, 7:36pm
Thanks greerg.Can't wait to have a go at making the curried cucumber pickle.

fisher, Feb 18, 4:05am
greerg is onto it.. I like those jars and do "exactly" as greerg does...
no problems so far and after about 30 mins, you can hear the jars "pop" as the lid gets sucked down to seal...