Has any1 got any yummy recipes, any help is appreciated
May 31, 11:01pm
No recipes sorry, no frying pan cooking, or fatty foods, sometimes a change of diet is needed. Buy a tub of logical spread from s/market its about $8 not cheap, it works, Drs told me to use it when i developed high cholesterol with heart problems.
May 31, 11:10pm
thanks alot, will do
Jun 1, 2:47am
drmirkin.com I find a very informative site with some great recipes. I have used many of them as DH has high cholestorol. I like the site as the many recipes have taste...they don't taste like 'that health stuff' to my previously extremely carniverous other half. Hope you find some that appeal. Cheers
Jun 1, 2:53am
Just don't eat cholesterol - which would be a normal diet with meat, fish, eggs, vegetables - some nuts, very little fruit and a bit of dairy.
Jun 1, 2:54am
However if you restrict cholesterol from food then your body will just make more to fill the void. Not sure if that is what you want?
Jun 2, 3:49am
Also if you're baking, use a cholesterol free margarine spread instead of butter. They say proactive is a cholesterol reducing spread, tastes foul hey but if you have to reduce your cholesterol so be it!!!
Jun 2, 5:08am
Oh dear. You could have a look at the recipes here:
It is a raw food site, done by NZers. There are a number a great recipes here. Even I, a confirmed omnivore who actually believes that not eating cholesterol leads to way more problems than our health experts are telling us, makes the odd recipe from here because they are just so delicious and healthy.
Jun 4, 9:09pm
How are you doing happydayz2day?
I just came across some links while sorting - and thought I post them here for you - and maybe you want to read up a bit and then talk to your doctor about why he/she thinks you should go onto a low cholesterol diet.
happydayz - are you still looking for recipes? I have one that is perfect in every respect for what you are asking but as I have to type it up before I post it I won't bother if you have given up.
Edited to add - I made it the other day for a heart patient who believes has and his wife have to live cholesterol free so it has no butter, egg yolks or dairy. I could probably come up with a dairy free icing as well if I searched hard enough. It would go well with a very low fat custard.
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