Simon and Alison Holst have a couple of good recipe books, out for crockpots and slow cookers.
Mar 13, 2:32am
Maggi also have made soem excellent sachets to help out with the slow cookers.
Mar 13, 4:07am
100 Great Ways To Use Slow Cookers + Crockpots
ISBN 1-877382-00-0
Mar 14, 4:16pm
my most used one is Joan Bishops slow cooker book
Mar 15, 9:26pm
Ditto Simon and Alison Holst's books, the 'red' one being my favourite. Just bought a new one though which has loads of delicious recipes, it's called Ultimate Slow Cooker by Sara Lewis, it has a recipe for horseradish dumplings which sound right up my alley, roll on winter!
Mar 15, 9:37pm
As above Simon & alison Holst and also Joan Bishop, all these books are very good, I find them all indispensible. Great Venison casserole recipe in AH book, I use sausages for this recipe and it is great with rice & veges.
Mar 15, 11:11pm
Robyn Martin also has a slow cooker recipe book. I saw it on sale today at Whitcoulls.
Mar 16, 1:00am
Joan Bishops one is for me... . .
Mar 16, 1:09am
As far as I know Robyn Martin has two slowcooker/crockpot recipe books. Joan Bishop now has a new version of her "New Zealand Crockpot and Slow Cooker Cookbook" and she was on Good Morning this morning - here's the link to her recipes from that appearance:-
Definitely Joan Bishop's book... . I have a signed copy haha she is pretty much the Queen of slow cookers in New Zealand and she is a wonderful lady! She used to do demonstrations with the Sunbeam Crock Pots and still writes cooking columns in the ODT.
Mar 16, 3:13am
Go to your nearest second hand book shop. Mine has about 20 going cheap.
Mar 16, 3:14am
buzzy go in the thread and vote it plez'winter thread'
Mar 16, 3:18am
never mind then
Mar 16, 4:24am
And the neat thing it crossed over Lol
Nov 7, 11:19am
Have you got a library that you could check out and see the difference in the different books to see which suits you best This helpful thread has been created byTrademe members, Stack of--- thought it was great so she hijacked without recognition to Trademe Community Recipe Forum. Come and join us for more helpful and interesting threads aspx ? topic=13
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