And is peeling the correct term! Hmmmm.De-shelling!
Sep 23, 10:45pm
I always do that but still have no joy Maybe I am letting them get too cold!
Sep 23, 10:50pm
cap - do you pierce a hole in the 'flat' end of the eggs with a pin before boiling! This helps stop them from cracking & I reckon it makes peeking them easier too. And when peeling - tap the egg all over then roll back& forwards on the bench under your palm. The shell should come off easily then.
Sep 23, 10:53pm
Thanks Winnie Have never tried the prick before.I don't seem to have a problem with the shell cracking and I do roll them around afterwards before peeling so maybe the pin prick could be the key.
Sep 23, 11:11pm
That's exactly what I do and used to be able to peel them with no problems but lately it's been a disaster!
Sep 24, 3:51am
Noticed in recent times that about half of the store purchased eggs de-shell very easy whilst the other half can be a real pain, picking of bit by bit, also seems to be the real darkisk brown ones as well, the lighter browns are okay along with white ones. It does not matter what trick one tries to use. Cheers.
Sep 24, 4:11am
Under running water is the best. And don't let the eggs sit too long before peeling.I use to have to peel about 12 dozen at a time.
Peeling eggs The freshness of the eggs makes a huge difference - the freasher they are the tighter the shell and membrane cling to the white.It helps if as soon as they are cooked you tap each egg all over to crack it finely then leave in cold water for a few minutes.Very fresh eggs are almost almost impossible to peel cleanly, but you can console yourself with the pleasure of having something so lovely and fresh to eat.
Sep 26, 6:43pm
Well I got to test it out today Boiled 3 eggs.Couldn't prick one of them so marked it with a pen so I could compare.It was slightly easier to shell the pricked ones but not a huge difference.Peeling them under running water helped and so did getting my thumb under the membrane and slowly pushing the shell away.Definitely a better result than I usually get so once again - thanks!
Sep 27, 4:38am
I always drain the eggs in the pot, & straight away shake them back & forth,fairly roughly,then cover with cold water & I don't have any problem peeling as the shells fall off.
Sep 27, 5:12am
haven't watched any utubes on how to peel but. when the egg is cooked run under cold water. then crack- like a raw egg to open! - then roll under your hand and the shell will come away perfectly.
Sep 27, 7:13pm
i tap the egg on the bench once on each end then i turn the egg on its side and roll it quite hard on the bench and the shell comes off perfect each time. Think i saw it on a jamie oliver programme.
Sep 28, 12:55am
#20 Fine if you are going to eat the egg. YUCK! if some one else is.
Sep 28, 5:22am
#22 that is good to know. I have decided that it just isn't a skill that I have.BUT, in fact it is probably because I get eggs from the butcher and they are fresh fresh fresh.Rather than "i can't cook"
Sep 28, 5:12pm
duckmoon You lucky thing!I usually have to buy them from the supermarket (Freckels organic free range are pretty good) but the other day we were give some eggs by a friend with chooks, and the eggs had been laid the previous day.They were the best eggs I've eaten in NZ - just gorgeous.
Aug 9, 2:56pm
Its just that real fresh ones don't peel easy. If they do, they are old. Peel carefully a bit at a time, you get the hang of it after a while. And don't expect absolute perfection.
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