I always drain the eggs in the pot, & straight away shake them back & forth,fairly roughly,then cover with cold water & I don't have any problem peeling as the shells fall off.
Sep 26, 4:12am
haven't watched any utubes on how to peel but... when the egg is cooked run under cold water.... then crack- like a raw egg to open? - then roll under your hand and the shell will come away perfectly...........
Sep 26, 4:47am
always add a tsp of salt to the water when boiling.This somehow seems to assist the shell & membrane come away from teh cooked egg.
Sep 26, 6:13pm
i tap the egg on the bench once on each end then i turn the egg on its side and roll it quite hard on the bench and the shell comes off perfect each time. Think i saw it on a jamie oliver programme..
Sep 26, 11:55pm
#20 Fine if you are going to eat the egg... YUCK! if some one else is.
Sep 27, 4:22am
#22 that is good to know... I have decided that it just isn't a skill that I have.BUT, in fact it is probably because I get eggs from the butcher and they are fresh fresh fresh.Rather than "i can't cook"
Sep 27, 4:12pm
duckmoon You lucky thing!I usually have to buy them from the supermarket (Freckels organic free range are pretty good) but the other day we were give some eggs by a friend with chooks, and the eggs had been laid the previous day.They were the best eggs I've eaten in NZ - just gorgeous.
Sep 27, 9:13pm
2 table spoons of salt in the boiling water sometimes my eggs are only hours old. This method never seems to fail me.
Sep 27, 9:52pm
For fresh eggs boil the day before you need them and put in fridge overnight. very easy to peel. I keep some in fridge for snacks
Oct 5, 5:34am
peel under the cold running tap works here
Oct 9, 11:15pm
yep agree under running water is best i always do it like that and have never had a problem as soon as you take it out of the running water and try you loose half the egg so always under running cold water.
Oct 9, 11:48pm
Its just that real fresh ones don't peel easy. If they do, they are old. Peel carefully a bit at a time, you get the hang of it after a while. And don't expect absolute perfection.
Apr 17, 3:17am
When you have finished Boiling them run under cold tap and then Peel under water as gets between Shell & Egg and peels easy.
Apr 17, 6:22am
great tips
Apr 17, 9:42am
I usually crack the shells to many segments (like a plate in 20 pieces that has been glued together) and leave it to cool in water.
Apr 17, 2:02pm
hmm we are still talking about eggs aren't we,lol
Apr 17, 2:13pm
Fresh eggs are like that, once old they peel easily.
Apr 17, 2:20pm
Snap, that is what I do too. Works everytime whether the eggs are fresh or older (even works with the thin shelled eggs that we sometimes get from our hens).:)
Apr 17, 2:37pm
fresh eggs don't peel
Apr 17, 8:07pm
Use the side of your thumb (not your finger nail) to ease under the edge of the shell, then curving your thumb under the shell as you remove it - usually takes big pieces of shell off. Love hard boiled eggs - great to have in the fridge for snacks :-)
Apr 17, 10:01pm
I run them under cold water so they are cool enough to hold and then tap one end on the bench, then the other and then turn the egg on its side and roll it so the shell cracks. The shell comes straight off.
Apr 17, 10:30pm
Silly question maybe, but what do you prick egg with all I can imagine is scrambled egg lol.
Apr 18, 12:03am
I put 1T Baking Soda in the pot with the water. I've had little trouble peeling eggs since I read that hint and the baking soda taste does not pass through either.
Apr 18, 2:25am
IUse the teaspoon trick too works a treat i think =o)
Sep 23, 10:43pm
Is there a magic trick!I seem to pull half the white off with the shell!Thanks.
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