Which one would be the better one for making a Casserole? Or are they both pretty much the same. Will be cooking it in the Crock pot, so hopefully it will come out nice and tender.
Mar 24, 7:57pm
For the crock pot both will be tender..blade remains whole in the cube.......where as chuck breaks up nicely when you put a fork to it..........I personally prefer chuck.......
Mar 24, 8:10pm
I think the best is Cross Cut Blade.
Mar 24, 8:16pm
Cross cut blade or beef cheek.
Mar 24, 8:35pm
Cross cut blade is my favourite for both casseroles and braised steak.It just falls to bits and seems to have a much nicer flavour.
Mar 24, 8:49pm
Cross cut blade here too.
Mar 24, 8:54pm
I prefer chuck personally.I guess it comes down to personal preference or in my case what is on special!
Mar 24, 9:37pm
Thanks for the ideas, Mmmm yummy stew for tea.
Mar 25, 8:25am
Bounce - I'm with you.Whatever is on specialhas my vote.
Mar 25, 7:28pm
Which one would be the better one for making a Casserole! Or are they both pretty much the same. Will be cooking it in the Crock pot, so hopefully it will come out nice and tender.
Mar 25, 7:57pm
For the crock pot both will be tender.blade remains whole in the cube.where as chuck breaks up nicely when you put a fork to it.I personally prefer chuck.
Mar 25, 11:17pm
I'm in the whats on special camp too. Last week it was rump which makes a nice quick stew this week its Chuck which can spend all day in the slow cooker. Beef cheeks sounds good will keep eye out for those.
Mar 25, 11:30pm
The cheapest.
Mar 26, 8:25am
Bounce - I'm with you.Whatever is on specialhas my vote.
Jul 9, 2:01am
I'm in the whats on special camp too. Last week it was rump which makes a nice quick stew this week its Chuck which can spend all day in the slow cooker. Beef cheeks sounds good will keep eye out for those.
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