I have never made this before and I bought a pack of steak and kidney already cut and it does not say what kind of kidney it is... I have been looking at recipes and the way you cook it depends on the type of kidney. Any advice please? I have never even tried kidney so I don't have a clue
Jul 1, 1:52am
Steak and Kidney is usually Ox Kidney (from a cow) because its better long cooked. Sheeps kidneys look more like a classic kidney shape and are best fast cooked still pink in the middle. Pigs Kidneys too are like the sheeps but bigger. Ox kidneys are big and lumpy looking they are also a little stronger flavoured which I like but some prefer the sheeps ones as milder. If you bought the steak and kidney together in a pack then almost certainly its Ox Kidney.
Just chop and cook long and slow like you would a beef stew then make into a pie.
Jul 1, 2:43am
Awesome thank you
Jul 1, 7:00am
It doesn't matter. It's chopped. Sheep kidney tastes better and NO it shouldn't be pink,
Jul 1, 8:35am
Used to eat Ox kidney & bacon until someone told me the only difference was the urine was stronger that went through the Ox!
Jul 1, 8:39am
lol jessie, I'm not too sure about that either, sheep don't drink much water if you watch them, yet cattle drink heaps.
Jul 1, 8:55am
Instead of steak and kidney pie, which I love, I do the steak and kidney bit but cook dumplings on the top, instead of pastry.Way easier, and has that "comfort food" feel to it=)
Jul 1, 8:57am
You'll also noticethat sheep droppings are small, dry pellets, whereas cow poo is often just about pure liquid!Way more water in, way more water out!=)
Jul 1, 9:06am
Best sheeps Kidneys are cooked fast and rare still bright pink ;)
Jul 1, 9:07am
Who cares thier Kidneys are delicious either way mmmmmmmmmm
Jul 2, 1:11am
I have never made this before and I bought a pack of steak and kidney already cut and it does not say what kind of kidney it is. I have been looking at recipes and the way you cook it depends on the type of kidney. Any advice please! I have never even tried kidney so I don't have a clue
Jul 2, 7:00am
It doesn't matter. It's chopped. Sheep kidney tastes better and NO it shouldn't be pink,
Jul 2, 8:39am
lol jessie, I'm not too sure about that either, sheep don't drink much water if you watch them, yet cattle drink heaps.
Nov 9, 10:43am
You'll also noticethat sheep droppings are small, dry pellets, whereas cow poo is often just about pure liquid!Way more water in, way more water out!=)
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