it says on the meat packet to cube and fry then bring to boil then simmer but the meat isn't very thick and I'm thinking it'll be tough as old boot that way!any suggestions please?
May 9, 7:05pm
try google...but ive seen chefs on tv cook it on high in griddle pan and not for long so its rather rare in the middle, rest it then thinly slice to serve
May 9, 7:15pm
darlingmole, based on an Alison Holst recipe from many years ago I use skirt steak for stir-fries.:-))
May 9, 8:43pm
Skirt steak makes a beautiful stew.Was what my late mum always made her stews out of.You don't very often see it in the shops much now but saw some in pak n save so I just had to buy it.
May 9, 9:21pm
This is a good way to do it for fajitas( tex-mex dish).Marinate first if you want in lemon juice, olive oil, cumin and chili.then pat dry, cook briefly (no more than med-rare) over high heat, let rest then slice thinly across the grain and serve strips of steak with lettuce, salsa, cheease, sour cream etc in tortillas - yummy!
May 9, 10:03pm
My mother used to use 'skirt steak' for cassoroles,She reckoned it was the best cassorole meat,she was right too.
May 9, 10:08pm
best casserole meat if u can get it is beef cheeks .............awesome
May 9, 10:57pm
Love using skirt steak for korean bulgogi.Slice thinly, marinade then flash fry very quickly until just cooked.Take off heat - very tender and moist!
May 9, 11:44pm
yes thats how the chefs cook it
Sep 7, 1:05pm
Crockpot for me.
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