Cooking mini quiches for party

pixiegirl, Mar 23, 10:40pm
Hi everyone, just need a bit of advice.Going to make some of these for party over easter and was wondering what is the best way to go about these.Do I do the cases first and freeze and fill and cook day of party or do I cook them now and freeze and reheat day of party.Not quite sure how to go about it and what would work out the best.I am trying to "plan" everything so it is not the last minute rush but also dont want to end up with a soggy quiche.Also do you guys precook your base first before you put the fill in or just do it all in one go.Thanks (just starting to have a panic as it is coming up very quick now and have to get my bum into gear)Any suggestions appreciated.

pr1ncesswst, Mar 23, 10:43pm
I make them all in one hit, case and fill.They are fine to freeze off, most shops do it this way to save on time aswell.

pixiegirl, Mar 23, 10:46pm
Also what type of pastry do you recommend for them.I normally buy the frozen pastry - also should I roll out the frozen pastry a little bit more or are they fine to cut out pieces as they are.

pixiegirl, Mar 23, 10:46pm
Thank you for that - what pastry do you use.

pr1ncesswst, Mar 23, 10:55pm
If i can't be naffed making it i just buy the pre-rolled savoury pastry. If you're doing the really little ones i would roll it out a bit thinner than it comes.

pixiegirl, Mar 23, 11:09pm
Many thanks - what do you find is the most popular fillings.I was thinking of doing a mix of ham, cheese, tomato, spinach, red onion type of ones and than doing some with just some sweet onion marmalade or something like that in the bottom and the egg mix over the top.Had something like this at a funeral just before xmas and they were really nice and not what you were expecting when you bite into a mini quiche - really quite nice.

ashen1, Mar 24, 1:57am
what about smoked fish with parsley sauce thats what im attempting this weekend but doing them in bread cases also sweet corn with bacon onion and cheese

pixiegirl, Mar 24, 2:07am
Yep also doing the fishy thing in breadcases - how far ahead can you make the breadcases as well.

ashen1, Mar 24, 2:15am
i know the cases you can do a few days before although i will be doing mine the night before and filling them on the day
heres a recipe someone posted on here creamed corn cases they look yummy

b-m-w, Mar 24, 10:47pm
I have used blue cheese in each, baked in muffin trays, You can also use bread as the base rather than pastry, use round biscuit cutters, roll the bread lightly cut off the crusts 1st?I also mixed the egg with butter milk, seemed to make them light and very moist, received many great comments. use bacon or ham, Jo Seagar makes her without cooking the bacon first?

pr1ncesswst, Mar 24, 10:55pm
If i can't be naffed making it i just buy the pre-rolled savoury pastry. If you're doing the really little ones i would roll it out a bit thinner than it comes.

ashen1, Mar 25, 2:15am
i know the cases you can do a few days before although i will be doing mine the night before and filling them on the day
heres a recipe someone posted on here creamed corn cases they look yummy!id=482

pixiegirl, Mar 25, 4:39am
Many thanks for that - quick question pr1ncesswst - what is the correct measurement for egg and cream for quiche filling.When I normally make up big ones it is done more by chance than anything else - ie so many egss, so much cream till looks about right - what are the correct measurements. Could be handy when I am doing the little ones.Thanks

b-m-w, Mar 25, 5:02am
Make it as if for a big quiche then put into a jug, then pour into the base.

pixiegirl, Mar 25, 8:41pm
hi b-m-w - yep that is how I am going to do it - but was after the proper measurements - ir how much cream, how many eggs to make a mix.Normally dont have problem with big one as it is all done by the scientific method "she'll be right mate" - but want to make sure i get these ones right and not leave it up to my "scientific method" lol

b-m-w, Mar 25, 10:47pm
I have used blue cheese in each, baked in muffin trays, You can also use bread as the base rather than pastry, use round biscuit cutters, roll the bread lightly cut off the crusts 1st!I also mixed the egg with butter milk, seemed to make them light and very moist, received many great comments. use bacon or ham, Jo Seagar makes her without cooking the bacon first!

b-m-w, Mar 25, 10:49pm
use your method "she'll be right mate" it usually works, i probably would use 1/2 cup cream or buttermilk, to 1 doz eggs, if it looks too white add a few more eggs?anything homemade as opposed to store brought can't be wrong.

pixiegirl, Mar 26, 8:41pm
hi b-m-w - yep that is how I am going to do it - but was after the proper measurements - ir how much cream, how many eggs to make a mix.Normally dont have problem with big one as it is all done by the scientific method "she'll be right mate" - but want to make sure i get these ones right and not leave it up to my "scientific method" lol

b-m-w, Jul 8, 10:07pm
use your method "she'll be right mate" it usually works, i probably would use 1/2 cup cream or buttermilk, to 1 doz eggs, if it looks too white add a few more eggs!anything homemade as opposed to store brought can't be wrong.