What do bakerys put in their meat pies

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ashanti, Mar 11, 10:28pm
I used to work for a bakery supply place in melbourne, most bakeries then used potato starch for a thickener.

junk, Mar 11, 11:42pm
Does anyone have a yummy peppered steak pie recipe?

catlover28, Mar 12, 1:19am
Dead mice I reckon,

kinna54, Mar 12, 2:43am
commercial pie makers use a substance called blackjack, a tar like goo that was often sold in commercial quantities. I can best describe it as a black cornflour type thickener. Gross! Asian bakeries tend to use arrowroot a lot, which gives all the meat a gloss, and is often quite sweet.Yuk to either.Only commercial pies I really like are jesters! drool.
PS Instant potato is used. Hate that too, but it is more edible if made with milk and loads of butter.
If I'm going to make pie meat mix I like a good ol oxo cube, and sometimes add part of a maggi sachet like the rich beef goulash one.

wizardoo, Mar 12, 9:13pm
Dads pies which sell to Brumbys and BP and the ski feilds and now export their pies have only real, good quality meat and vegs and to thicken the gravy before the meat goes in is modified starch.They only use the best ingredients.

pr1ncesswst, Mar 12, 9:48pm
In the bakeries i have baked in we used black jack as a colouring agent for the meat, didn't find it helped thicken anything at all.Thickening was a mix of flour and starch.Chicken pies same as above done with a veloute`.Instant potato just like KFC lol.

junk, Jun 18, 1:14pm
Does anyone have a yummy peppered steak pie recipe!