Yes it could, just remeber it will be very thick and creamy
Feb 28, 1:05pm
did you enjoy you cereal?... yddac...
Feb 28, 2:56pm
I've had cereal heaps of time with canned coconut milk... it's really nice.
Really good in Hot Chocolate too...
tinned coconut milk is in my Emergency kit rather than UHT milk...
Feb 28, 6:53pm
I asked our Hospital Nutritionist about Cocont Cream and Coconut Oil and she says leave them alone if you want to lose weight and its dangerous forheart patients, but if youre fit and have your blood chem under control ok.
Feb 28, 6:59pm've just killed it for me lol. I guess it will stay in the tin as I'm a heart patient....bedazzledjewels now I'm curious why your message was deleted?
Feb 28, 8:54pm
Sorry yddac but I love rawfish with thick coconut cream, and I believe there was a thread about the merits of coconut oil so I mentioned it to the nutritionist after I had an abdominal op and that what she told me. Sorry again.
Mar 1, 2:34am
Maybe she needs to be updated on what causes heart disease and how one loses weight. Since I have had many lively discussions with their ilk when in hospital myself I know that most of them need some extra education.
Mar 1, 11:24am
Can this be used to put on cereal!
Mar 1, 12:21pm
I've googled it but not got an answer.
Mar 1, 1:05pm
did you enjoy you cereal!. yddac.
Mar 1, 2:56pm
I've had cereal heaps of time with canned coconut milk. it's really nice.
Really good in Hot Chocolate too.
tinned coconut milk is in my Emergency kit rather than UHT milk.
Mar 1, 6:59pm've just killed it for me lol. I guess it will stay in the tin as I'm a heart patient.bedazzledjewels now I'm curious why your message was deleted!
Mar 4, 1:50pm
I use tinned coconut cream & milk in a chicken gloop.. start frying cut up raw chicken with onions & your favourite herbs & additives [garlic, ginger etc] until partly cooked - then add coconut milk along with curry powder stir in for short time then dump in as many frozen veges as you want [I usually use the stir fry mix veges] cover & simmer while stirring - serve on bed or rice or add cooked sprirals/maccr elbows etc.. with bit of grated cheese on top
Mar 4, 2:01pm
i would suggest everything in moderation, and that someone with and education in nutrition knows a darn site more than a person posting on a website messageboard. and in moderation i love it with my raw fish and it makes a yummy rice pudding
Mar 5, 1:50pm
I use tinned coconut cream & milk in a chicken gloop. start frying cut up raw chicken with onions & your favourite herbs & additives [garlic, ginger etc] until partly cooked - then add coconut milk along with curry powder stir in for short time then dump in as many frozen veges as you want [I usually use the stir fry mix veges] cover & simmer while stirring - serve on bed or rice or add cooked sprirals/maccr elbows etc. with bit of grated cheese on top
Mar 5, 8:19pm
coconut cream/milk,oil is supposed to speed up the metabolism and help with weight loss. Read the book on coconut oil by Bruce Fife. The 'saturated fat is bad for the heart ' myth wascreated by the soy bean oil industry....check it out. And....just because someone has an education in nutrition doesn't make them the oracle as they are just as prone to beingmisinformed too.
Jun 10, 2:42am
coconut cream/milk,oil is supposed to speed up the metabolism and help with weight loss. Read the book on coconut oil by Bruce Fife. The 'saturated fat is bad for the heart ' myth wascreated by the soy bean oil industry.check it out. And.just because someone has an education in nutrition doesn't make them the oracle as they are just as prone to beingmisinformed too.
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