Recipe calls for 3 quarts of Jam .. how do i convert that to a cup or kilo measurement. TIA
Feb 8, 6:05am
Google. Just type in 'quarts to litres' or whatever you want to convert it to and search. Remember quarts is a liquid measure and you may have trouble converting to a weight or volume measurement.
Look for British as well if the recipe is a NZ or English sourced recipe. Look for US if it is an American recipe because their liquid measurements differ from ours.
Feb 8, 6:06am
Hi Bev.. nice to see you here.. haven't seen you posting for a while.. you've been missed..
Mine came out at 1 quart = 4.5 cups or 1.1 litres.
Feb 8, 6:11am
bev00, 1 quart = 2 pints and 1 pint = 600ml, so 1 quart = 1200ml or 1.2 litres, therefore 3 quarts = 3.6 litres. 1 cup = 250ml, so there are 4 cups to 1 litre which means that 3.6 litres = 14 cups + 100ml (or ½ cup minus 1 x 15ml tbsp).
Hope that helps, but what is it the recipe is for - that is one huge quantity of jam for any recipe to "call for" or is it a jam recipe that makes 3 quarts?? :-))
Feb 8, 6:11am
Thanks so much!And bless you Juliewn for your warm welcome back to the flock plus the handy link.. appreciated :~) .. now back i go to jam making
Feb 8, 6:21am
Thank so much 245sam .. well spotted. The recipe actually called for 1 quart(my mistake)I will print these out and keep them handy for future reference as conversions make my brain hurt :)
Feb 8, 6:28am
you're welcome bev00 - for me those conversions are easy as I went to school in the pre-metric days so learnt all about pints, quarts, gallons, etc., then soon after we married my DH started teaching metrics and insisted that I needed to modernise and get used to using mls, litres, etc. so for 36 years I've been used to converting measurements for cooking, sewing, etc.
Happy jam making!:-))
Feb 8, 6:32am
You're welcome Bev.. nice to see you here.. :-)
Hi Shirley.. have been thinking of you too.. how are you there? I hope the continuing quakes aren't affecting your home..
Feb 8, 6:50am
HI Julie, Thanks for your thoughts and enquiry.We are ok and very busily involved on the organising team for a large event here in Christchurch at Easter but as for the house..... The ongoing quakes have affected and do affect our house, like many many others in our area and other parts of Canterbury, but in any case, EQC have recommended demolition and have actually paid out their maximum compensation for the house.For now, the house is still safe to live in so we are currently awaiting our insurance company's assessors and technical experts who will, no doubt, make the final decision. My DH assisted the EQC assessor when he used his laser equipment and found that the house has gone 'saucer-shaped' i.e. it is higher around the edges than it is in the middle which means that there is floor (concrete) damage, wall damage (inside and out) and roof and ceiling damage.
Hope all is well with you and yours.:-))
Apr 8, 7:14am
Hi Shirley.. my goodness.. this must be a worrying time for you both.. astonishing that the house has changed like that.. very best wishes for everything being sorted and your new home built quickly..
All ok here thanks.. planning and preparing for Jenni's 21st in April.. and trying to find tried-and-true Danish recipes to add to the dinner goodies I'm making.. she doesn't know her big brother will be here from Brisbane, and possible two other friends here from near Melbourne.. going to be some surprises for her that night!
Take good care Shirley.. it's lovely to catch up with you here.. x
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