Last week I overcooked some Silverside to the point of being inedible I'll try again.
I want to use my crockpot and the Silverside is 1.4k.
Would appreciate any advice as I don't want another failure.I just put Golden Syrup over the meat and put carrots in as well.Can't remember now whether or not I added any water.
But it's the time factor I'm most interested in.Thx all
Jan 21, 4:25pm
Yes you would need to add water. In l/h message board put silverside then date posted put anytime. Heaps of helpful hints there.
Jan 21, 4:26pm
Yep - posted 'anytime' but no sign of cooking times.I just do NOT want another overcooked dinner...
Jan 21, 4:31pm
How long DID you cook it for?I think the problem was most likely the lack of water - not the length of cooking time - it would be pretty hard to seriously overcook silverside in a slow cooker - unless you left water out! 10 hours would be fine - 12 even - in a slow cooker.I usually do mine on the stove top 2-3 hours.
Jan 21, 4:34pm
Put silverside in crockpot add a lemon (nothing else) - turn on to low for the day - yummy.
Jan 21, 5:02pm
I have an idea I cooked it on high for probably over 7 hours ... normally I cook on slow only.So today I've just put it on, covered it with water and put in some Golden Syrup and a couple of carrots ... so I'll take it out around 10 tonight.(Only looking to have it cold).
Jan 21, 5:24pm
Silverside on high or low in slow cooker? This thread says 8 hrs on low.
Jan 21, 9:03pm
Last time I put it on high ... this time I've opted 10 hours on low.
Jan 21, 9:10pm
I always three quater cover my silverside with water, add a tablespoon of honey, one of golden syrup and a splash of vinegar.I start it off on high for a couple of hours and turn to low and cook for a further 4 hours or until a fork poked into it meets no resistance, slides in and out easily.Its always melt in your mouth tender.
Jan 22, 4:26pm
No matter what size I cook my SS in a crokpot all day (low) with a 1.5ltr bottle of ginger-ale. The 0.99c bottle from P'N'S.You'll never cook SS any other way again! Good luck!
Jan 22, 4:30pm
45 -55 minutes per 500grams
Jan 23, 12:06am
Well it turned out perfect....thx for advice from all....
Jan 23, 1:43am
Because silverside was on special last week I bought a large one (no idea of kg etc - just enough to feed my family of 8).Put it in the crockpot on high for the first hour, covered with water, a good splash of vinegar and dollop of golden syrup and an onion - used later in a cheesey/mustardy cream sauce - and the next 6 or 7 hours on low heat.It was sublime ... kids raved, all devoured and barely enough for a sandwich the next day (darn it).
Jan 23, 3:37am
I put my silverside on low and cook it for 6 hours. Falls apart every time, so yum.
Jan 23, 6:45pm
I cover mine with water, add a partially cut through lemon, 3 bay leaves, a tablespoon of brown sugar and dollop of golden syrup. 5 hours on high then 3 hours on low, although I guess you could do 4/4 - always turns out perfect, and the lemon addition gives it a little subtle zing. Serve with mashed potatoes and mustard sauce out of the Edmonds Cook Book with extra mustard!!
Feb 27, 3:11pm
darn i knew i should have grabbed a SS when they were on special.But trying to empty all meats/leftovers still in freezer till I buy anymore,should have at least a month to go,but now I'm hungry for SS.LOlz
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