Maori potatoes

majurti, Jan 16, 5:14am
Can someone please tell me if Maori potatoes need to be peeled before boiling.

az-em, Jan 16, 5:15am
Hey, we dont, just boil and eat!

majurti, Jan 16, 5:18am
Thanks, going to try some . Never had them before.

az-em, Jan 16, 5:20am
My husband and kids love them. Im not a big fan to be honest!

majurti, Jan 16, 6:19am
We really enjoyed them.Just boiled them and had them wih a bit of butter and salt and pepper. Will try them mashed tomorrow night.

uli, Feb 4, 3:12pm
Boil or steam in their skins.
They have very deep eyes which make peeling them raw a nuisance.