Yikes!It has nothing to do with texture or taste.You should never refreeze thawed out meat because the bacterial count will be at a level that it most likely cause food poisoning, especially on the second thaw.Bacterial in ideal conditions multiplies every 20mins.A fridge only slows down bacterial growth but does not stop it.Cooking destroys bacteria but once cooked, the bacteria cycle starts all over again. Peoples own individual tolerances to illness varies but why play with your families or guests health - not a great way to get a name all for a few dollars of "savings".General rule - raw product, thaw in the fridge, cook, ok to re-freeze. Raw product, thaw in the fridge, uncooked, unsuitable to re-freeze - either cook or discard (assuming all food health guidelines are adhered to).My background is as a chef - the other policy is "if in any doubt - throw out".It's just not worth it.
Jan 1, 3:50pm
That should read " .You should never refreeze thawed out (uncooked) meat because the bacterial count ."Just to clarify.
Dec 30, 10:44pm
if i made lasagne last night (thurs) from mince in the freezer - was going to have today but not all going to get eaten can i freeze the remains or not since the meat had already been frozen?
Dec 30, 10:48pm
yes you can freeze again if the meat has been cooked :-)
Dec 30, 10:51pm
so if you thaw meat, cook and freeze again it is okay
whereas if you thaw meat dont cook cant refreeze (not that ever do)
just trying to suss this lol
Dec 30, 10:54pm
yes, re-freeze once cooked.
Dec 30, 10:56pm
thanks, at least my efforts wont be wasted lol
Dec 31, 2:25am
You can actually refreeze meat uncooked except that the process of freezing and defrosting breaks down the meat and it will not be quite the same ever again.It is safe though - not a practice many aspire to however.
Dec 31, 3:41am
It takes the Goodness out of it though.
Dec 31, 1:11pm
No it doesn't. It just affects the texture.
Jan 1, 3:32am
no questions are ever dumb
Jan 1, 3:48pm
Yikes!It has nothing to do with texture or taste.You should never refreeze thawed out meat because the bacterial count will be at a level that it most likely cause food poisoning, especially on the second thaw.Bacterial in ideal conditions multiplies every 20mins.A fridge only slows down bacterial growth but does not stop it.Cooking destroys bacteria but once cooked, the bacteria cycle starts all over again. Peoples own individual tolerances to illness varies but why play with your families or guests health - not a great way to get a name all for a few dollars of "savings".General rule - raw product, thaw in the fridge, cook, ok to re-freeze. Raw product, thaw in the fridge, uncooked, unsuitable to re-freeze - either cook or discard (assuming all food health guidelines are adhered to).My background is as a chef - the other policy is "if in any doubt - throw out".It's just not worth it.
Dec 28, 8:56am
That should read " ...You should never refreeze thawed out (uncooked) meat because the bacterial count ..."Just to clarify.
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