Those same police do not like Light Blue milk either - they're into fat...the more the better.They even make something called a 'cheese sandwich' with a slab of butter between two slabs of cheese.And they fry everything in duck fat and bacon fat and add fat to everything.
They belong to a group which dare not speak its name ;)
Jan 7, 4:53pm
duck fat? i wouldn't feed that to a cat, and i don't like cats.
i plan to make another loaf today or maybe tomorrow, if it's the same as the last one it means i have my technique and recipe down pat which mean i can wear this shirt with pride
I think you've just reduced your 'eligibility' considerably...cats are often their avatars.
Jan 7, 5:03pm
i'd rather be single and why do people insist on putting cat photos in their profile?! usually right next to a really unoriginal quote...
Jan 7, 5:09pm
Because they've looked in the mirror and decided the cat will get more hits??
Jan 7, 6:25pm
Haha - ellie - now lets see your free form loaf please!
Jan 7, 6:42pm
ellie & uli ha ha ha ha!
Jan 7, 6:55pm
:) you're welcome. How is the sourdough coming along free-former?
Jan 7, 7:50pm
i'm busy packing stuff, no time for breads right now, yet i have time to type this here...?
Jan 7, 8:58pm
Are you escaping to somewhere safe from predatory people out seeking a man who can make fabulous bread then?
Jan 7, 10:36pm
sort of, i'm flicking off a few things to lighten the load a bit. do we have a "teflon coated frypans suck" thread?
Jan 7, 10:41pm
Lol. I have to agree with you on that one.
Jan 7, 11:12pm
Yes we have had many over the years - I would never buy non-stick anything. What is wrong with a lovely steel fry pan?
It is as non-stick as they come - once you have seasoned it ... and much lighter than the terrible cast-iron ones ... and in addition it will not shatter if your drop it (because its so heavy) onto some tiles or slates or garden path ....
Jan 8, 1:02am
Lots of fun stuff in Recipes archives :)
Jan 8, 1:14am
Looks terrible - what would you use THAT for?
Jan 8, 1:29am
i plan to read all of that one, then start asking lots of questions regardless
pity i didn't think to look at their site first... [see post #1]
Jan 8, 4:24am
As you live in Ak why not pop off to the French Market in Parnell one of these days? In the huge carpark beside the market there is the most wonderful warehouse catering to commercial cooks of all types. Within the confines of this treasure trove of cooking utensils and other stuff, is a range of spun steel frying pans.
They sell to the general public as well.
As uli says, they are light, heat up at high speed and cook steak to a perfection that defies their light appearance.
i have a stainless pan that i'm not fond of, i want a cast iron one. last night's loaf won't fit in my container, erk! can i use a non-greased pyrex loaf dish? my last couple of loaves i have used no oil but in a teflon coated loaf dish but this pyrex thing cost a lot more so i want to use it. and teflon is evil...
Gosh. I don't know about pyrex. I read a post a long time ago by someone who had tried it and the outcome wasn't that successful as it took longer to heat up than tins.
Why not 'size' your dough by taking off about 100grms, placing the rest in the tin and forming the 'sized' portion into a stick or a few buns for the deep freeze? If you have a horde of women who would do anything for a perky man who bakes, then you could just throw directly from freezer, to warm oven to defrost and serve. Yum. From experience I know it is just like coming fresh out of the oven.
Or you could cut in half and use two tins. Now there's a thought.
Jan 8, 2:46pm
And boy. Don't you know your way around Auckland? I think I shall ask you in future when I want some ideas on where to go for something I can't find. It could save me hours of thinking about and searching.
Jan 8, 2:59pm
i have used this pyrex dish -greased- and it works well, i fear it would stick or burn without though, i'd rather not use greaseproof paper. also if i use a loaf pan the end product fits in my container ha ha if i want to be a true hard core free form loafer i'll need a bigger container! my freezer also isn't big enough to accommodate frozen breads...
on my way past the demoniacally possessed gull i hardly had time to look at the shop, next time i'll be ready for it, maybe gull is good eating...?
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