can you serve food with alcohol in it to a person who is a alcoholic?. Should you tell them it has alcohol in it and let them choose, or would it be better to make two versions, one with alcohol and one without.
Dec 15, 3:17am
I think make two versions so they have a choice, do not serve food with alcohol, even just a hint of whisky will break down their guard. It would be the same as giving chocolate cake to someone who is trying to diet
Dec 15, 3:20am
usually in cooked food the alcohol in eg. wine and beer evaporates only to leave an enhanced flavour. personally i see no harm in serving food thats been inhanced with alcohol to an alkie. he/she wont get drunk from eating it.
Dec 15, 3:22am
thanks for that, although its abit different, ie chocolate cake does not have the potentially lethal outcome that alcohol does to some people!.
Dec 15, 3:23am
It would be best not to give them food with alcohol in it as the hidden sugars will give them cravings the next day and they might wonder why.Just make sure you let them know so they're informed.
Dec 15, 3:24am
Its trifle and a punch, but I would rather not.
Dec 15, 3:24am
I would absolutely not serve alcohol, cooked, uncooked or anyway to an alcoholic.Could you cook the dish without alcohol rather than have two and make them feel different, or put temptation in their way?
Dec 15, 3:26am
yes, I can and I absolutely want to be a supportive friend and would not do anything to effect their sobriety.
Dec 15, 3:30am
That is apparent, otherwise you would not even think about it, and to think of making two dishes is really kind.
I think the non-alcoholic punch is fine - even drinkers may prefer the non-alcohol one, especially the driving ones!
Dec 15, 3:31am
& it is not a stupid question, it is sometimes good to know the opinions of others & then u can make ur own decision
Dec 15, 3:58am
cheers, I knew but just wanted it confirmed really, its such a evil thing
Dec 15, 3:59am
Yes it can be. That & every other unhealthy addiction.
Dec 15, 4:39am
If you want your trifle to taste as if it has sherry or other alcohol in it, mix ginger ale with fruit juice. My mum does this especially for the kiddies.
Oct 30, 9:42am
Our religious friends use raspberry drink in the trifle. It was still very good and I like my boozy recipes. With cream and fruit I can forgive a lot though.
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