What foods mean "Christmas' to you...

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lilyfield, Nov 29, 11:59pm
figs dates and mandarins

darlingmole, Nov 30, 2:13am
fresh asparagus
fresh fruit stoned fruit salad

But the VERY best bit is just being together and thanking God for giving us His son ~ Jesus is the reason for the season folks.We could have cold cuts and salad or dry bread and water, but hopefully there's love in our hearts and we remember what this time is all about.

Let's hope we all remember the people who have no family or friends to celebrate this time with and invite them over!!!Hospitality, love and kindness ... that's what Christmas is about and also what I think our recipe thread is all about.Blessings all:-)

elliehen, Nov 30, 4:31am
Plums, straight from the tree.

byte317537, Sep 19, 12:14pm
Unfortunately - most that will be attending will NOT be with the ones they love - therefore we are trying to present that as best we can with the food we provide... but thanx for the sentiment