1 cup of sugar 1 liter of Coca-Cola 2 tablespoons of edible gelatine Procedure
1. Boil the Coca-Cola and add sugar (except for a little Coca-Cola that you keep aside in a small bowl).
2. Let the Coca-Cola and sugar mixture cool.
3. Put the small bowl of Coca-Cola (that you kept aside) in the microwave for 1 minute and then mix the gelatine into it.
4. Add the Coca-Cola and gelatine mix to the Coca-Cola and sugar mixture. Put it in the refrigerator and wait for two hours.
5. Enjoy! :-)"
Hope that helps.:-))
Nov 19, 3:50am
countdown here have it,,,,
Aug 18, 6:52pm
cheers :-) will give it a try.
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