Passionfruit pulp

redrose, Nov 12, 1:38am
can you put passionfruit pulpwhen making buttercream and how much of pulp if you can please.

ardente, Nov 12, 1:50am
I reckon 2 tablespoons would do the trick

pogram0, Nov 13, 12:43am
I recently used passionfruit pulp instead of water to mix my icing - I just used icing sugar, a little butter and the pulp and made quite a stiff mixture.I then iced my cupcakes with it but found next day that the icing hadn't set and just slipped off the cake.I just assumed that passionfruit pulp had prevented the icing from setting.

tortenz, Nov 13, 1:13am
Do it to taste.I used the edmonds butter icing recipe and added a bit at a time while tasting.I put it on melting moments, but don't know how much it would change the icing if you wanted it told hold a specific shape (like icing cupcakes with an icing bag and tip)

redrose, Jul 31, 7:59pm
mmm, well I guess it will be trail and error.