pls pardon my ignorance, novice cook in the house. I have bought some chinese honey soy chicken nibbles and was wondering how to cook them. I have got as far as putting them on some baking paper in a tray in the oven. What temperature, oven setting (bake, fan bake etc), and for how long. Your help would be most appreciated.,
Nov 3, 10:31pm
180 (170fan forced) 15-20 mins
Little tip.. some supermarkets have cooking instructions written on the sticker.
Nov 3, 10:32pm
Thanks, i looked at the sticker, only ingredients, no sticker. Thats where I came undone!!
Nov 3, 10:33pm
Should I need to turn them over half way through?,
Nov 3, 10:33pm
hehe no worries.. I've noticed lately that most chicken (at least) from Countdown has cooking temps and times on the big "pretty" stickers on their packs.,
Nov 3, 10:34pm
Nope the metal tray will cook the bottoms.. no point turning them really as they are so tiny.
Nov 3, 10:41pm
I got these from the butcher, they are a reasonable size. Thanks for the help with the basics, I think I can "wing" it from here!!
Nov 3, 11:16pm
put them in a roasting dish not just on the oven tray as they make quite abit of juice.
Nov 3, 11:19pm
sorry, i did use a roasting dish, and they have made a bit of juice. they also stuck to the baking paper, why would that have happened? they are out of the oven now, they also didnt go crispy like I thought they would.,
Nov 4, 1:22am
If its pams baking paper the reason is they have a faulty batch on the shelfs right now.. so if thats the case please contact them.. they need to know how wide spread the problem is.
Nov 4, 1:29am
no, mono baking paper, but its probably a few years old, does it "go off"?,
Nov 4, 1:39am
it shouldn't do!.. its only silicone paper.. My current mono is very good atm but its a new roll.. so you never know it could have been a dud batch from years back.Definitely stay away from Pams atm thou.. you have been warned LOL (*oh the mess!*)
Nov 4, 1:43am
thanks for the heads up. the nibbles tasted really good, have left some to have cold for lunch tomorrow.,
Nov 4, 1:45am
Well done, you're no longer a chicken-nibble-cooker virgin.
Nov 4, 2:02am
I cook mine for longer than 10-15 minutes - more like 3/4hour to 1 hour. It seems to cook more of the fat out, and gives the crispiness. The nibbles are also really nice done in a marinade. I spray a glass dish with cooking spray and put the nibbles and marinade in to cook.
Nov 4, 2:27am
I have a glass dish, pyrex. will try this for the next lot. I also know how to make macaroni cheese so dont worry about me only eating chicken nibbles!
Nov 4, 2:48am
You can also do them in the grill, like the Breville griller or the George Forman. Once the grill is heated they are really quickly done.Or you can do them in an oven bag in the oven, to keep your oven a lot cleaner.
Nov 4, 5:00am
So do I and they come out really sticky and yummy. It is the only type of chicken I like better overcooked.
Nov 4, 3:11pm
if your using Pyrex or a glass dish add 7-10mins to your usual cook time as its thicker and takes much longer to heat up than a metal tray....
Nov 4, 3:20pm
Ditto here :) Our family like them plain - just a spray of oil & salt - and cooked till crispy.
Nov 4, 4:39pm
so the ones I have left over for lunch today, I could put them back in the oven in the pyrex and try crisping them up a bit?
Nov 4, 4:41pm
Yes, or just eat them cold. Nice like that too.
Nov 4, 4:52pm
i use a glass baking dish. put chicken in, add a bit of water to the bottom and put in oven on fan bake 150 degrees C, for an hour. the water helps prevent the chicken from drying out, but you still get the crispy skin
Nov 4, 6:03pm
yummo, put them back in the oven for another 30mins in the glass dish. they have gone darker in colour and are less fatty.
Apr 14, 3:48am
I wack them in the oven on the hottest temp I can get (250c) for 20 minutes....... works everytime......... It took me alot of trial and error to get to this point..... Cooking them at 180c for 10 minutes might cook them but they will not be crispy and very fatty, yuck!
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