don't know who posted this originally sorry. OVEN CLEANER I was given this a few years ago and it seems to work well. 3 TBSP Baking Soda, 1 TBSP Vinegar, 1 CUp Water. Mix together and wipe over a cold oven. Heat oven to 200c and leave to cool. Wash with soapy water.
Jul 2, 9:41pm
cleaner Thanks for that oven came up lovely and clean.
Jul 2, 9:44pm
#15 I don't know about you but this is the best cleaner I have ever used.I now use it all the time and boy is it great for mirrors and windows.Has stopped the fogging of the mirror in the bathroom.
Jul 3, 1:53am
#15 -great on windows This cleaner works wonders on "crying" windows, I have been using it weekly on the windows & have no more problems with them beingreally wetin the mornings
Jul 3, 2:45am
Does Vinegar in the washing not leave the clothes smelling funny? Very keen to try this one!
Jul 3, 2:47am
Also... what are washing soda crystals? Im a but niave in this department!
Jul 3, 3:24am
vinigar doesn't leave a funny smell. I dont know why, logically it should, but it doesnt. I don't know what washing soda is technically, it's not a soap, but it dissolves into water and then the water cleans stuff better. You can buy it for about $3 or $4 from the supermarket in a 1kg box. Instructions on how to use it are on the back of the box. It's harsh on your hands if you make a strong mix and don't wear gloves. And you shouldn't use it strong on wood/varnish/or paint.
Jul 3, 3:40am
Washing soda comes in a green and white box and is in the washing powder section, where the sunlight soap is.
Jul 3, 3:46am
washing soda crystals are found (cheap) in the supermarket. I reckon you would find borax in the hardware store.
Jul 3, 3:55am
Thanks guys this is a great thread!
Jul 3, 3:58am
#12 how much of eucalyptus do u put in the bucket of water for cleaning
Jul 3, 10:34pm
washing soda washing soda is a water softener, its great to add to the washing if your water is very hard and makes the clothes feel hard and dry the soda will stop this and all so keep the washing machine clean from a biuld up of suds, an old idear.
Jul 4, 3:32am
where do you get eucalyptus oil from? Thanks so much for all your ideas guys I'm going to try these when I run out of the commercial products I've got! Here's one I got off the simple savings website tonight that I'm going to try tomorrow cause I've run out of diswashing liquid tonight! It's supposed to be great as a handwash and for dishes so I'll give it a go! Grate 1 bar of sunlight soap into a 2l container. 1/2 fill with boiling water. Tip 1/2 into another 2l container. Fill them both up with boiling water and leave to cool. They will thicken up and when cold tip into your hand wash pump containers and use for hands and also for dishes! Though I'd give it a go - for the cost of a bar of soap it's worth a try!
Jul 4, 4:39am
Bin Inn sell washing soda
Jul 4, 1:51pm
lemons my daughters friend came to visit and miss 8 told me-lemons. Cut them in half and use them for wiping kitchen benches,stainless steel doors,fridge etc. it works and its a natuarl sanitizer too
Jul 4, 4:11pm
Is it possible to replace the vinegar ingredients in these recipes with freshly squeezed lemons?
Jul 4, 4:24pm
Eucalyptus Oil I get mine in the supermarket, it is much cheaper there than the chemist. It is usually by the bandages etc. if you don't like the smell you can substitute another essential oil like lemon or lavender. I use less ecualyptus than the recipe as I find the smell too strong, it doesn't affect the cleaning properties.
Jul 4, 5:05pm
Very old fashioned but well used and proven. If you get blood stains on anything the cure for this is to soak said item in the following.
Get a backet (or washouse sink)pop in a few tablespoons of table salt, I use the el cheapo iodised, dissolve in enough hot water to dissolve it.Then fill up with cold water.Drop item into bucket/sink and leave overnight.Wash as usual the next day.I am always surprised how many throw out perfectly good blood stained what-evers because they cannot get the blood stains out.
Jul 4, 6:40pm
Salt is also great added to the washing machine if you have brought new clothes that the dye may run from (blacks, darks jeans..etc) stops the colouring from coming out!
note for skelf71 Re: soap Don't be surprised if that recipe doesn't foam up. It will still get things clean, but if you want that foam and your recipe doesn't give it; add a tablespoon of dishwash to your soap dispenser too and mix it in. That should be enough to get that foamy texture.
Jul 7, 12:49am
whats the best shower cleaner that will clean the window and the shower floor. love the thread its a good one
Jul 7, 1:32am
I started a thread but I was wondering if there was a recipe that uses oranges.I have a tree full of sour ones.
Jul 9, 3:15am
#8 how much white vingar would you use in a load of washing.
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