Excellent all-purpose spray cleaner - into a spray bottle add
* 70ml methylated spirits * 20ml water * 10ml white vinegar * couple drops lavender or essential oils * shake well.
I was reading these threads and saw a couple of people were asking for the exact measurements.
Nov 10, 10:58pm
Watch Lush on Living channel on Thursday night at 9pm. She has fantasticnatural cleaning methods. For mould in your bathroom put 2 drops of oil of cloves into a spray bottle and 1 litre water and spray the mould. Leave overnight and it will kill the mould spores. Then the next day throw baking soda over it and then spray with vinegar. Wipe off.
Nov 10, 11:06pm
Recipe from Lush house for removing stains on mattresses.
First dip a cake of soap in a glass of cold water and rub it over the stain until it covers the whole thing, working from outside to the inside then scrub it with a brush until it foams. The soap will help break down the protein in the stains. Next, pour talcum powder over the soapy stain until it’s absorbed the moisture and dried, then bash it with a tennis racket. This forces the talc into the mattress to absorb more moisture. Let the claggy talc residue dry out again and you can vacuum it up. Ideally cover the cleaned mattress with a mattress protector to prevent future staining.
Nov 11, 8:33pm
Loafer, I make toothpaste like this. equal amounts of Baking Soda and Salt, mix to a paste with peppermint essence.Quite salty and very minty to use, but makes everything very clean!
Nov 14, 10:42pm
Bump sucha good thread
Nov 16, 4:33am
Yes, where is KOB?I am moving into tough times and while I don't think I could be as frugal as she is, I would like to read her best money-saving ideas again.They looked awesome!
Nov 20, 11:36pm
Made this recipe the other day, and so far so good. Works really well and did a hot wash every so often to dissolve any soap scum.
Nov 20, 11:38pm
Does anyone have a recipe for toilet cleaner that would be alright for a septic tank.
Jul 1, 4:49am
It would be great if you could share yours !
Jul 1, 5:04am
Washing powder 6 litres warm water, 9T Washing Soda Crystals, 6 T Lux Flakes, stir and use 1 C per load or more if need be.
Jul 1, 5:07am
Dishwashing Powder 2 tblsp bicarbonate of soda and 2 tblsp of borax for a load
Jul 1, 5:09am
oops should I say i got that recipe from budgets thread, and was posted by trader named KOB, and she has some fantastic ideas, Where do you get Borax from never heard of it, can you make up the dishwashing powder beforehand in big batches??
Jul 1, 5:10am
Spray and Wipe 2 parts water, 1 part white vinegar and a couple of drops of washing up liquid.
Suitable for glass, stainless steel and plastic laminate surfaces.
Jul 1, 5:10am
awesome thanks..keep em coming !
Jul 1, 5:13am
I asked my mum about borax as i had never heard of it either. She said its like a crystal type thing so if not in the cleaning isle in the supermarket, try mitre 10 maybe??
Jul 1, 5:17am
Fabric Softner I use white vinegar rather than brand fabric softners, does the same thing but a whole lot cheaper! It also kills bacteria, brightens colours, reduces lint, eliminates soap residue and reduces static cling!! Woop woop!
Jul 1, 5:20am
If anyone wants a specific remedy, just post a question, I have the vinegar and baking soda books, so can let you know recepies for anything from Laundry, cleaning, diy, health and beauty, pet car, outdoor/gardening
Jul 1, 5:24am
borax can be bought from gonative website 1kg is $20 can buy other bulk things from them to make shampoos etc etc
Jul 1, 5:28am
google gonative, they have a recipe part, s many recipes
Jul 1, 2:44pm
The spray and wipe with washing soda, vinegar eucalyptus oil and water is one of the best I have used. It is the only cleaner I use now for everything.
Jul 1, 3:02pm
good old sunlight soap will do a decent job of cleaning a lot of stuff. Grated into the sink for dishes; washing machine for clothes; bucket for the floors. NOTE: if you use soap in your washing machine (even lux flakes) clean it once a month with an empty hot wash and 1/4 c of dishwasher powder; or the proper stuff to clean the machine from appliance stores,(not sure if you can get it from supermarkets.)or 1 c vinigar and 1 c washing soda. If you don't, the soap scum builds up in your machine and will eventually cause problems.
Jul 1, 4:01pm
Also if you use re-washable nappies for your baby, don't use sunlight soap or lux flakes, it ruins their 'magical' properties!
Jul 1, 4:49pm
Cleaning spray-from a previous poster 1 ltr water, 200ml vinegar, 40ml dish detergent, 40ml eucalyptus oil, 2 desertspns washing soda crystals. Mix together, put is spray bottle and use or add 60ml to bucket water and use for floors. It's amazing!! I have used on all kitchen/bathroom surfaces, windows, mirrors, walls, it's fantastic. Can also use on clothes as stain remover :)
Jul 1, 5:34pm
re: the above; do not use it on the floor if you have cats or dogs, as eucalyptus oil is toxic to them. (so nova74 over in parenting told me.)
Jul 2, 2:59pm
oven Can someone please tell me what to use to clean oven dont like bought products too powful in their smell.
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