A generation or two ago nobody called them anything but marrows and they were always left to grow to gargantuan sizes.
There are neither zucchini nor courgettes in old New Zealand cookery books ;
Oct 14, 5:26am
I call them courgettes - I wouldn't like to tell you what my husband calls them as he doesn't like them, he calls them "pig tucker" when he's being polite!
Interesting that in the UK silverbeet is called Swiss chard.
Oct 14, 5:32am
And in the USA a swede is a rutabaga - from old Swedish dialect for 'baggy root'.
Oct 14, 6:18am
Hmmm, not sure that I'd want to be buying "rutabagas" - sounds almost rude!I've never really thought about it before, but I suppose swedes originally came from Sweden.
May 29, 8:51pm
Don't forget cilantro!
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