The horrible fake peas are in my soup mix. Can see the green dye coming out when I was rinsing the mix before cooking.
Has anyone noticed? I like to tell Pams but everytime you call in they think you want a voucher. They do not follow up and keep ypu in the loop as what steps they have taken. So I won't know when it is safe to buy the product again. I guess it is same with other companies when I complain about damaged/ mouldy food stuff.
Sep 27, 9:10pm
ewww fake peas - are you sure?? If it's green dye, what is it that they've dyed?????
Ring up Foodstuffs. Pams is their own brand. Demand an explanation. ring up Fair Go and complain. And while you are at it, you should ring the television News departments. Write a letter to the Editor of the Herald.
I don't buy packets of anything but if I did I'd be kicking up a storm.
Sep 28, 12:40am
Have you read the link?
If you have - have you understood what it said?
It says: "...Bags of dried snow peas and soybeans were thrown into water-filled jars. With the help of light green colorant and sodium metabisulfite, a food additive used as a bleach and preservative, the previously wizened dry peas came out plump and fresh green...."
... and they were then sold as green fresh peas on the market.
So did you buy dried soup mix with FRESH green peas in it? All soaked full of water?
Or might it be that the peas were dried like the rest of the soup mix?
In which case I would quickly vote this thread off - before some company takes exception to your claims ...
Sep 28, 2:43am
Why would you keep buying a product you are not happy with?
Sep 28, 8:43pm
I should write to Pams. But if you have made a complaint to them, like I wrote above, they are only too keen to get the monkey off their back. I wonder if they work for a call centre and not Pams. There is absolutely like pride in their prodout. I think they only want to give you a voucher.
I bet you Pams don't even know that they are adding the fake stuff in their mixed soup. But this I know the dye just comes off.
NFH1, if you are going to complain about no photos and knock this thread off, you would have said I added the colour if the photos were posted.
If any of you have Pams and I think they make Countdowns' SR label, try soaking the soup mix. Yak
Sep 28, 11:27pm
Lots of foods are dyed it doesnt mean they are fake.
Dried peas are probably dyed to keep them green looking rather then brown and yuck looking.
Sep 28, 11:45pm
You still have not read your own link above - have you?
Sep 28, 11:47pm
Yes, and as people buy with their eyes rather than their brains it is very important that all packaged products look nice and to Hades whether it is unhealthy or not.
Why not make up your own soup mix? It is all rather simple. You can first buy small amounts of each ingredient and test for dyes and whether they are fake before buying actual cooking quantities.
Sep 28, 11:56pm
It seems NOBODY posting here has read that link LOL
It says: "...Bags of dried snow peas and soybeans were thrown into water-filled jars. With the help of light green colorant and sodium metabisulfite, a food additive used as a bleach and preservative, the previously wizened dry peas came out plump and fresh green...."
... and they were then sold as green fresh peas on the market.
Sep 29, 2:05am
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!!!I did not mention photos or voting!
I asked you why you kept buying Pam's products and then complaining about them.If you are not happy with their stuff then it is probably best not to buy it.I do not use Pam's stuff so have no idea what it is like.
Sep 29, 4:40am
I read the link oh yummy
Sep 29, 2:26pm
the people in the markets that buy them as fresh peas have obviously no idea what 'fresh green peas' look like lol - how gross!!
Sep 30, 4:26am
Sorry not you. Apologies.It was meant to be ULI
Sep 30, 4:49am
no, I find you and your links boring
Sep 30, 4:52am
maybe its like glace cherries.. where the fruit is heated up until it loses it colour and then dyed red
Sep 30, 3:42pm
No problem.
Sep 30, 4:37pm
Haha - it is not my link. It is the link that Poster#1 gave to support her claim in post#1.
If you would read the link then you would know that those "fake peas" are dried peas reconstituted in water plus chemicals and green dye - then sold as fresh peas on the market.
So it has NOTHING at all to do with poster#1's claim that those fake peas are in his/her DRIED Pam's soup mix!
Twenty posts - and nobody above seems to be able to read and understand what's been written. Sad state of affairs.
Basically poster#1 can be taken to court for this claim by the company he/she is denouncing on a public message board! But obviously no-one on here has the intelligence to get that LOL - carry on in your merry ways people - by the way posting from overseas usually leads to banning ...
Sep 30, 5:07pm
Not surprising that people think it's uli's link.
Uli is the url-queen! ...with apologies to the erl-king ;)
Sep 30, 6:49pm
sheesh. I don't know what your problem is with uli. She tried several times to get people to read YOUR link, then posted segments of YOUR link in here so people would know what exactly was being talked about.
Do you have a problem with that? Were you ashamed of the link? Would you have preferred nobody read the link?
Now, I gave you some solutions to seek redress and to give publicity to a problem you have obviously found in your Pam's Soup Mix.
For your information I read your original post and thought you were trying to create a controversy where none existed. The peas are not even fake, as per the link. I thought you made the whole thing up. In fact I thought you were making it all up which is why I suggested you do those things. A genuine poster, who was truly indignant would have gone and done all those things.
However, I am sure the people in here who are too lazy to take in new information will be your very best supporters.
Sep 30, 11:50pm
I have read the link..interestin'! I dont buy processed food, especially imported as well as our own nz brands that included imported ingredients. Thankfully I got vegie garden and fruit trees!
Oct 1, 3:23am
I remember in the UK hubby worked on a farm for a stint (10 years ago) and he showed me a huge load of dried brown peas of some sort and he said that was what was used for mushy peas, they just dye them...
Oct 1, 3:31am
Oh look, its Uli's army out in force.
May 31, 6:07pm
Yuk. If they do that in the UK, that does not legalise this practice!!! I thought UK sets the standards.
I suppose it is easier to copy bad practices than follow good ones. Countries, mainly developing ones, are like people (countries are made up of people) pick up nasty practices all for the sake for profits. No consideration for the consequences (the effect of the toxic stuff they add in our food).
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