Rice is it gluten free??

r123l, Sep 21, 12:13am
Hi all having friend over for tea tomorrow and although I am pretty good at gluten free deserts just thought oh my god is rice gluten free?

wrinkles7, Sep 21, 12:21am
I know for sure brown rice is......

chef1964, Sep 21, 12:35am
yes , glutinous rice obviuosly isnt but most are

davidt4, Sep 21, 12:47am
Actually, glutinous rice does not contain gluten.It is a misleading name and just means that the rice is glutinous in texture when cooked.It is more accurately called sticky rice.

r123l, Sep 21, 5:44am
thank you very much everyone

gossamer_dust, Sep 21, 5:53am
Isnt brown rice just white rice, without the husk removed though?

angie461, Sep 21, 3:56pm
I am coeliac and all rice is gluten free.

auckland63, Sep 21, 4:13pm
www - the gluten free kitchen

nfh1, Apr 7, 11:51am
On that site's list of Safe Foods - Rice is listed, so not sure where you are seeing that it is not safe.

I have a friend who is Celiac and always eats rice.