Have beeen given some and I have NO idea how to cook it lol. Thankyou!
Feb 22, 9:06pm
missdaisy - it depends what cut you have been given. Like any meat there are cuts suitable for frying & others that need long slow cooking. If you type 'venison' into the search on the left & look for 'anytime', you will see a number of threads regarding venison.
There you'll find a variety of uses for your venison ranging from casseroles, pies, and curries to roasts and steaks, and more. :-))
Hi to you too winnie231 (Rae) - how are you and what's the latest re the on-going problems with your hand? I do so hope that it can be sorted asap so that you can get on with life unhindered. :-))
Feb 22, 9:29pm
Hi Shirley, I see the surgeon again this Friday. My hand is still not right but I think it's reaching the stage where it's 'as good as it gets'. Just trying to make the best of things but my own biz plans have had to go by the wayside. Thanks for asking :) I hope you're all good. Everytime a 'mo-homer' calls in to the shop here I'm tempted to ask if they know you as we get alot of visitors from canterbury.
Feb 22, 9:35pm
Hi all. . thankyou so much for your posts. I Have sausages and steak Will sit down and read to see what Im going to do with it :0)
Feb 22, 9:42pm
Hi again Rae - fingers crossed for a promising outcome regarding your surgeon's appointment but what a shame that your biz plans "have had to go by the wayside" - doesn't it just show how a moment in one's life can change one's whole direction and future plans.
Re whether or not any visiting Canterbury Movanners would or would not know me/us. It is very possible that they would as, although we've only been members since May 2007, we have been/are very active rally attendees - just not so much since the beginning of December because we were in Wellington with our daughter over Christmas/New Year, then DH (John) had varicose vein surgery in mid-January and we missed the rally this past weekend because I hadn't been 100% - am ok now tho'. Although not on the Area Committee we also attend the Committee Meetings as very interested local Members and always endeavour to and do lend a hand wherever/whenever we can. All the best, Shirley. :-))
Feb 22, 9:42pm
I sautee onion and garlic in either butter or oil and remove, then cut the venison into cubes and dust with seasoned flour, fry in batches until browned, then put the onions and garlic back into the pan along with a splash of red wine, a cup of water and sliced mushrooms, cover and cook until tender and season at end. I also add around a dozen Juniper berries, it gives the dish a lovely flavour, but if you don't have these add any herb or herbs you like, I think Thyme would be a good choice. You can also use stock instead of the water but I find Venison to be rich enough without it.
Feb 22, 9:51pm
Thanks Shirley:) karenz - what a nice recipe! I do something very similar only I use just red wine - no water, and for a herb I add Horopito.
Feb 22, 10:07pm
I should have added that after the venison is tender enough, long slow cooking is best, I take the lid off and reduce until the sauce is thickened. This is nice with mashed potatoes and green beans. And Winnie, where do you buy Horopito - is that like a NZ bush pepper?
Feb 22, 10:31pm
Yes karenz - horopito is NZ bush pepper. The brand I have is Kinaki Wild Herbs. It is available in specialty food shops. Google might help you further. I love using it and also Kawakawa with game meats.
Sep 1, 7:56am
Venison steak's vary in quality I tend to mince tough ones to make patties but backsteaks in particular I generally fry whole then rest and slice into medalions once cooked. Key with venison steak is to never overcook eat it as rare as you can stand. It has virtually no fat so if overcooked can be very dry. The little eye fillet inside the body cavity are the best steak on any animal ever and never get given away, hunters treat :)
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