A little while ago there was a baked salmon recipe in the Indulgence part of the Dom Post...I'm pretty sure it was Alison Holst...and it involved tikka masala paste and a coating of sliced almonds.I made it and it was really yummy but my filing system has let me down so I'm wondering if anyone out there still has it.Any help would be much appreciated, thanks:o)
Sep 12, 3:06am
Its too nice of a fish to curry, get a cheaper chunky white flesh (firm) to curry. I do remember that recipe and thought it was ok as well,but I'm gonna change the fish
Sep 13, 11:42pm
Yes I know what your saying, when I do a fish curry I use gurnard, but this is more of a heavy marinade that you then coat in almonds and bake it in the oven.So you get a sort of curry coating with the lovely salmon flavour inside...and it has to be good quality curry paste as well...we're not talking curry powder here hehe.Anyway thanks for the reply, I winged it in the end and it was quite delicious though not as nice as I remember it the first time :o)
Sep 13, 11:59pm
You could go into your local library and have a flick through back copies of the Dom Post - sounds like a recipe worth re-finding :)
Sep 14, 12:33am
Thanks winnie, good idea I never thought of that...might give that a go when I'm next down there.
Brilliant, yes that's it!Gosh I ransacked that website too and still couldn't come up with it hehe...thanks very much rkcroft!Now I'm looking at it and thinking how simple it is...I made it way more complicated off the top of my head haha...
Mar 17, 5:15pm
No worries, oldbaldgoat.It sounds really nice.I might have a go at making that myself.
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