Could I crumb my schnitzel now?

kelzzz, Aug 18, 8:51pm
Ready to be cooked at about 5pm or will the crumbs just go all soggy and yuk? ?

245sam, Aug 18, 8:57pm
kelzzz, IMO your schnitzels will be all the better for being crumbed now - I always crumb as early as possible in the day and place the crumbed ? ? on a cake rack or plate with waxed or baking paper between each piece if they're not in one layer, then refrigerate until ready to cook.
Early crumbing allows the crumb coating to set and makes it less likely to part with the meat (or whatever) when being cooked - the crumbs will not "go all soggy and yuk". :-))

cookessentials, Aug 18, 8:58pm
I agree. I usually crumb mine and then pop them in the fridge for 30 mins- an hour before Ineed to cook them. It helps the crumbs stay on when you cook it. I do the same with my fish cakes.

kelzzz, Aug 18, 9:30pm
Oooo goody :) thanks!

fathobbit, Feb 7, 5:18am
same ... earlier the better