You could add beef stock then simmer longer to reduce the liquid.
Aug 11, 1:09am
Have got sour cream. Maybe instead of putting on top I'll stir straight in.
Aug 11, 1:16am
You used a jar of what? Spaghetti bolognese sauce is made from minced meat, and herbs and onions and fresh tomatoes ... how this can be too "tomatoey" is beyond me ... LOL :)
There is no need to "tone it down" ...
Aug 11, 1:30am
used all of the above except tomatoes as kids don't eat them. Thought Dolmio sauce would be fine. Thanx for your input uli.
Aug 11, 1:39am
Eat it with a bottle of Chianti :-)
Aug 11, 1:43am
Best hint I've had. Hve 'docotored' it up with sour crea etc so hope all is good! ! ! Plenty of bread in the freezer.
Aug 11, 1:53am
Good one... enjoy and suck powerfully
Aug 11, 1:55am
Guess what, they have invented pasta sauce in jars now. You may not be up to play with this technology.
Aug 11, 4:25am
I always find Dolmio too rich and sweet - very sickly. I don't use fresh tomatoes at this time of year though but usually just mince, onion, garlic, herbs and maybe capsicum or carrot and stir in a jar of passata. This week I used the Leggos one though and that was too tomatoey as well - quite sickly tasting until I sloshed in a good dollop of red wine and some beef stock.
Aug 11, 4:44am
sarah5, think I'll go back to the Maggi pkts. At least they're not strong. Was better with the sour cream &sugarstirred through
Aug 11, 6:04am
When too "tomatoey" I add brown sugar and that takes that away nicely
Aug 11, 1:52pm
noonesgirl - for next time I recommend the tins of flavoured chopped tomatoes ... you can get cheap one at P&S for $1. 69 per tin ... great standby to have in the cupboard & much nicer flavour than the jars of pasta sauce.
Aug 11, 2:24pm
I use tins of seasoned tomatoes to make pastasauce. I use any brand, although I do prefer Watties. I buy the basil and herb ones and add my own garlic and onions. We like the sauce to be really smooth, with no chunks of skin or seeds, so I blend the tomatoes til they are smooth and then sieve them. I find this to be a really good, basic sauce to add to mince for bolognaise. I do find if I simmer it all for too long with the lid off, the sauce reduces down too much and can be too strong for kids, so I leave the lid on or add a little water to think it down a little.
Aug 11, 2:28pm
Just use half a jar and a bit of chicken stock.
Aug 11, 3:39pm
Mornin all. Thanx for the hints.
Just to let you know the Waxeyes like Spagetti Bolognese!
Aug 11, 6:15pm
The Watties Pesto flavoured tomatoes are a hit here... .
as to the Dolmio... I use to use half the jar and freeze the other half then add a tin of toms and a few bits... . . seems to lessen the sugar factor... . .
Aug 11, 6:45pm
Sounds nuts, but a dab of marmite does wonders. :o)
I also use a sprinkle of brown sugar, if I taste it during cooking.
Aug 11, 7:13pm
Don't use the jar crap. Just used a tin of tomatoes, add a bit of tomato sauce, worcester sauce, garlic, and a teaspoon of curry powder, makes a gorgeous bolognaise sauce.
Aug 11, 9:57pm
You normally add sugar when using puree or concentrate to combat the slight bitterness.
Sounds to me as though maybe you 'top' the spaghetti with the sauce. Stir the sauce through the spaghetti instead so that the pasta absorbs it.
When making mine, two tins of (flavoured) puree to one can of chopped tomatoes, plus the usual mince, sugar, onion, salt, pepper, garlic, heaps and heaps of paprika, Worcester sauce, (dollop of concentrated mince sauce... )mushrooms, capsicums, red wine or even sherry etc. , and that mix does one whole pack of spaghetti, stirred through and allowed to stand and absorb.
For variety may add the sour cream, but it is never ever too 'tomatoey'.
Aug 11, 10:06pm
i too use a paste instead of the bottles or jars of sauce and sometimes i find the sauce is a bit bitter so i use sugar to 'tone' it down and it works a treat
Aug 11, 10:43pm
Why not add your own herbs too? Now there's a radical idea.
Aug 12, 12:31am
Too radical it seems - those herbed up watties tomatoes go like hotcakes - when you can have just chopped ones for a third of the price and add a handfull of herbs.
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