Heat oil in large shallow frying pan or fry pan, add peeled and chopped onions, saute gently until onions are tender. Add steak, stir with fork over high heat until meat is dark golden brown, mashing meat well so there are no lumps.
Add undrained tomatoes, tomato paste, basil, oregano, thyme, salt and pepper. Mash tomatoes well, stir over medium heat until all ingredients are combined. Add water; mix well. Bring to boil, reduce heat, simmer gently uncovered, 2 hours or until nearly all liquid has evaporated. Add 1 tablespoon of extra oil to large quantity of boiling salted water. Add . Cook spaghetti for approximately 10 to 12 minutes or until tender but still firm, drain well. Pile spaghetti into deep bowls, spoon sauce over; offer grated parmesan cheese separately
Feb 20, 9:39pm
thanks :-)
Feb 20, 11:01pm
Also if you have it/like it add a splash of wine (red is best but white is ok too) to the garlic/onions and mince and let the alcohol burn off before adding the tomatoes etc.I have also mashed up an anchovy fillet on the bottom of the pan while cooking the mince, it adds a rich flavour too.
Feb 20, 11:06pm
I use a dash of wine too and like a small spoon of brown sugar to bring out the flavour of the tomatoes and a tiny pinch of allspice.
Feb 21, 1:57am
kiwi version ;) BACON! or a beef oxo cube
Feb 21, 3:48am
My favourite is the one in the AWW Italian cookbook....
Feb 21, 3:52am
Post It??
Feb 21, 4:12am
Well good old Stack of recipes finally came in useful.I posted the recipe here a year ago and SOR's stole it.....
Have copy and pasted it
Best Ever Bologanaise Sauce - AWW
1 T olive oil 2 onions, chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 kg beef minced 2 x 410g cans tomatoes 1. 5C water 1/2 C dry white wine 2T tomato paste 3 small beef stock cubes, crumbled 1t dried oregano 1/2t dried majoram leaves 1/2t sugar
Heat oil in pan, add onions and garlic, cook stirring, over a low heat fora bout 15mins or until onions are very soft. Add mince, cook, sitrring until well browned. Stir in undrained crushed toms, water, wine, paste, stock cubes, herbs and sugar. Bring to boil and simmer, uncovered for about 2 hours or until sauce is thickened; stirring occassionally. Serves 4.
May 11, 12:55pm
It might not meet Italian approval but we add a small amount of sweet chilli sauce to give it a slightly spicy taste
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