Rice Cooker cooking times please

de-al, Aug 7, 11:06pm
Hi I've loaned a Zip rice cooker & need to know please how long it would take to cook (say) 5 cups dry rice or (say) 10 cups dry rice before it switches to warm mode?

pamellie, Aug 7, 11:41pm
I can't say I've timed mine but I think it takes about 20 minutes but I usually only cook 2 or 3 cups at a time.

gaspodetwd, Aug 8, 12:24am
1 cup takes about 9 mins in ours. 4 cups takes 22. I have no clue how long 10 cups would take.

pamellie, Aug 8, 12:58am
Oh I shall have to time mine, maybe I'm just plucking my time out of thin air! !

griffo4, Jan 5, 10:02am
l would suggest you try making some for the family and time it to get an idea how fast it cooks and go from there